A Game of Cat and Mouse

After wiping his brow he got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom.

He washed his hands then looked at himself in the mirror.

At first glance he didn't look any different than usual getting closer but he felt his eyes looked a bit lighter than usual, they were a shade of amber but today the iris was more yellow.

He didn't think much of it maybe the lighting was just different.

Kaito quickly shook off his thoughts and focused on getting ready for his day. He took a shower and got dressed, trying his best to put the dream and the strange feeling it left him with out of his mind.

As he walked to his university classes, Kaito couldn't help but feel on edge. He tried his best to avoid Alexander on campus. He seemed to see him everywhere and when alexander would approach he and would turn around and bolt away.

After his classes were over, Kaito met up with his friends. They could tell that he was a bit highly-strung and offered to take him out for the weekend to help him relax.

''We're going to go to our favorite bar tonight,'' Rinko told him cheerfully, ''you can drink till your hearts content, my treat okay?''

She was a bit shorter than Kaito so she could reach most things easily, her hair was auburn colored and curled slightly. Her eyes were brown and almond shaped, giving her an exotic appearance. She wore dark lipstick which accentuated the shape of her mouth.

''..Also ask Saito to come with us?'' Rinko asked blinking her eyes tilting her head

''...I knew it, I didn't think you would be nice for no reason'' Kaito sighed

''Hey? I hardly get to see her recently and I havent given up yet! she will fall to my charm eventually'' Rinko threw her hair back triumphantly

''You should give up now, its hopeless.'' Kaito interjected

Another friend of theirs Samuel chimed in hanging his arm over Rinko's head, he was almost two heads taller ''Well if anyone knows how to win over girls its me right? I should give you single dogs some pointers sometime.''

''Stop bragging man, I'll tell your girlfriend.'' Another friend interjected


They made plans to go to a nearby bar and restaurant, where they could have some drinks and unwind.

They ordered drinks and food, and Kaito was finally able to relax and enjoy himself. Saito didn't join them but knowing Kaito was with others in a public place she wasn't worried.

His friends kept him distracted with jokes and stories, and Kaito found himself laughing and having a good time. For a moment, he forgot all about his worries and the strange dreams he had been having.

As the night wore on, Kaito's friends started to get a bit rowdier. They had all had a few too many drinks and were starting to get louder and more animated.

Kaito, on the other hand, was starting to feel a bit tired. He had had spent the whole day on edge, so the alcohol was hitting him harder than usual.

He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes, trying to keep himself awake. He wasn't sure how much longer he could stay out with his friends, but he didn't want to be a party pooper.

But as the night wore on, the bar started to get more crowded, and Kaito started to feel uncomfortable. The noise and the different smells were starting to get to him, and he found himself longing for some fresh air.

"I'm going to step outside for a bit," he told his friends, "I need to clear my head."

"Sure thing," Rinko said waving her hand, "Just be careful, okay?"

Kaito slipped out the door, grateful for the cool night air. The street was deserted, and he took a deep breath, letting the air fill his lungs. The air wasn't great as a lot of smokers gathered near the exit but it was better than the inclosed space.

It was a cloudy evening and there was barely any light coming through the clouds, making everything seem even darker than it really was.

He took out his phone and decided to message Rinko he was heading home, he was very low on battery so he couldn't call in time for a car pick up and was going to go home on foot.

He looked up at the sky and noticed that the clouds were starting to clear, revealing an almost full moon. Kaito had never been superstitious, but for some reason, the sight of the moon made him particularly restless.

Turning his head to look at the ground he hurried his pace home, taking a short cut through the park.

''..uhm'' Kaito bumped straight into Alexander who was standing in the middle of the pathway blocking Kaito's path.

Kaito's heart sank.

He had been trying to avoid him all day, and now he was face to face with him.