Instincts and Confusion

"Kaito," Alexander said still with a lukewarm smile

Kaito tried to back away, but Alexander stepped closer, his eyes fixed on Kaito's. Kaito could see the glint of something in Alexander's eyes that he couldn't quite place.

"What is it?" Kaito asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Alexander replied, his tone dropping a few degrees, "You've been running away from me all day, and I want to know why."

Kaito took a step back, his instincts telling him to run, but he knew he couldn't outrun Alexander. Not in his current state.

"I just need some space," Kaito said, his voice shaking, "I've been going through some stuff, and I need to sort it out. its nothing professor should be worried about."

"Oh?" Alexander asked, narrowing his eyes.

Kaito nodded, hoping that Alexander would believe him and let him go. But Alexander wasn't satisfied.

Alexander moved forward, his voice low, "Maybe, do you need my help?"

Kaito took another step back, but he was backed up against a tree. He had nowhere else to go. That sentence echoed back to the dream he had and Kaito's ears heated up.

Alexander had good eyesight and spotted the blush rising on Kaito, slowly a smile broke out on his face and like the devils whisper ''Did you have a good spring dream?''

Kaito's eyes widened slightly and looked direct at Alexander. Alexander didn't turn away from his gaze.

His heart was racing, and he couldn't believe what he was hearing. How did Alexander know about his dream?

"What dream?" Kaito asked, trying to feign ignorance.

Alexander chuckled, "The one where we were, shall we say, intimately involved?"

Kaito's cheeks burned bright red, and he couldn't look Alexander in the eye.

Alexander stepped closer, his hand reaching up to touch Kaito's cheek, "It's okay, Kaito. You don't have to be embarrassed, it is all instinct. You in particular should be more in tune with your animalistic nature than most.."

"In-Instincts?" Kaito repeated, trying to keep his voice steady.

Alexander nodded, his thumb tracing circles on Kaito's cheek, "Yes, instincts. The same ones that are probably wanting to get away from me right now and yet you creatures are very loyal to your lower bodies.. so you can't help but crave release."

Kaito was very confused at Alexanders choice of words, both animalistic and creature wasn't usually used as termonology for other people.

Alexander chuckled again, "You don't have to lie to me, Kaito. I can smell it. Fear and excitement."

He tried to pull away, but Alexander's grip on his cheek was firm.

"You're afraid," Alexander said, "But at the same time, you want this. You want me."

Kaito's mind was racing, and he couldn't think straight. He didn't know what he wanted, or what he was feeling.

Alexander leaned in closer, his lips brushing against Kaito's ear, "Don't worry, Kaito. I won't hurt you. I know exactly what you need, and I'm more than willing to give it to you. Its almost the full moon you must be restless, all I ask is for a little something in return."


''Where have you been? Rinko had already messaged to say you were heading back.'' Saito leaned on the door.

''...I just took a detour, i'm going to bed im tired...'' Kaito avoided making eye contact with Saito and went straight into his room.

The last words Alexander said to him rang in his head, after Alexander's grip on Kaito's cheek loosened, and he took a step back. Kaito had breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short-lived. "You can't run from me forever, Kaito."

He knew he couldn't keep this to himself, and he needed to talk to someone about it.

Kaito took out his phone and dialed Rinko's number, hoping she would pick up.

"Hey, Kaito," Rinko answered on the second ring. "Are you okay? Saito told me you were back."

Kaito took a deep breath, trying to steady his voice, "Rinko, can I talk to you? It's important."

"Huh? Of course, what's wrong?" Rinko asked, concern evident in her voice, it was rare Kaito sounded so serious.

Kaito hesitated for a moment before blurting out everything that had happened with Alexander omitting some details of him knowing about his dream.

Rinko listened and it peaked her interest "..Is he.. interested in you?''

Kaito shook his head, "No, not really. But I mean, maybe...I don't know."

Rinko sighed, ''Hm, well if he wants something from you, you better tell him straight what your thoughts are." She paused, thinking carefully before continuing, "Do you feel anything for him?''

Kaito looked down "I dunno..."

"What do you mean 'you dont' know'? Are you sure you aren't just scared about letting him down gently?"

"I am not!"

"Oh come off it! If you weren't attracted to him, why did you think about addressing this with me?!"

"Because my body wanted to see him!" Kaito shouted back.



''...Oh so you just want to be his bed partner'' Rinko confirmed


''No need to be embarrassed, we're all adults. Go ahead why not? its not like you are in a relationship with anyone.'' Rinko continued

Kaito was lost for words. He felt a flush rise up his neck and face. The idea of continuing his dream with Alexander made him blush even harder.

"Ahaha, you go all quiet when you get shy, Kaito~" Rinko teased. "Well, I'll leave you alone now. Enjoy yourself~"

She hung up, leaving Kaito standing there dumbfounded.