Unexpected Changes

The next day Kaito woke as normal, it was a weekend and Kaito didn't have to go to class.

As soon as he got out of bed he headed straight for the bathroom. He washed his face quickly, then brushed his teeth before grabbing his towel. Once he stepped outside the bathroom he saw Saito packing up a bag.

''Ill be gone for the next two days, but Ill be back by sundown.. also stay indoors as much as possible, Its not like I enjoy nagging.'' Saito informed and warned Kaito

Kaito nodded, still half asleep.

Once Saito left, Kaito started getting ready. After showering he put on clean underwear and a tshirt.

It wasn't unusual for Saito to leave for a couple of days every now and again, Kaito was used to it and related it to Saito's work.

He spent the rest of the day lounging around at home, playing video games and watching TV. As the sun set Kaito decided to prepare himself some food, and since there was no one else he needed to cook for he could make what he wanted.

He opened the fridge, only seeing a few ingredients left from the previous week's shopping. His stomach rumbled in complaint, making him sigh. He would probably end up having to go out to buy more groceries.

Kaito grabbed his wallet, deciding he might as well grab some snacks while he was out.


Kaito found himself walking along the sidewalk, heading towards the closest supermarket. It was a weekend and the streets were filled with people who seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Despite how lively it was, he couldn't help but feel nervous. Why? he had been feeling hot ever since waking up, which meant he'd probably start sweating any minute now. Kaito thought it may be a some adverse effects from the alcohol from last night.

Kaito took a breath. it wasn't the first time he had experienced these symptoms. They occurred every now and again and he always managed to overcome them, however they never lasted long enough for him to remember.

This time was different though; this was the longest period he'd felt uncomfortable thus far and it only seemed to be getting worse.

After being outside for about ten minutes Kaito began to sweat profusely, his skin turning red. His vision blurred and everything became blurry.

He stumbled forward, falling into someone. He looked up to apologize, only to find that the man he bumped against was none other than Alexander.

Kaito gasped, taking a step backwards.

"Looks like its starting" Alexander said with a smirk, looking down at Kaito.

"You look flushed." Alexander commented, eyeing Kaito up and down.

Kaito blushed and shook his head, trying to ignore the way Alexander stared at him.

"I can see your cheeks are bright red, Kaito," Alexander continued.

"it'll pass after a little while..." Kaito mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"That doesn't seem very reassuring, Kaito... You don't want me to do anything?" Alexander asked.

Kaito was loosing focus, he tried to think clearly but his mind kept drifting off.

"...no, i-i'm fine..." Kaito replied, averting his gaze.

Alexander smirked and supported Kaito's shoulder. "Don't worry.."

Kaito fell softly and Alexander firmly held onto him

"I'll take care of everything, alright?" Alexander whispered.

Kaito barely caught the scentence before passing out


When Kaito awoke the heat he felt before continued, he found himself lying on a bed inside a room. The lights were dimmed and he noticed there was soft music playing in the background. There were pillows under his arms so he must've fallen asleep.

He sat up slowly and glanced around.

The walls were lined with bookshelves, all of them holding various books. On the opposite wall was a desk with a laptop. A large window was open behind him, letting moonlight pour in through the curtains.


Swish? Kaito heard a noise just behind him on the bed. He turned around to see a fluffy object land next to him, causing him to jump back.

"Hm? What's wrong?" Alexander questioned and walked over.

Kaito didn't notice when Alexander entered the room, he quickly covered himself with the sheet but got stuck on the fluffy object when he suddenly came to the realisation that it appeared to be attached to him.

Looking back he could see a silver and black tail protruding from his tailbone which moved with his emotions.

''Wh.. What?'' Kaito stammered, eyes wide. He didnt quite understand what was happening.

Alexander chuckled and reached out to touch the tail.

Kaito recoiled and pushed Alexander away, ''No! don't touch it!"

Alexander narrowed his eyes, standing still.

"Why? Are you embarrassed by me touching your fur?'' Alexander teased, stroking the tip of Kaitos tail.

Kaito gritted his teeth, glaring at Alexander.

"It feels good when I do it," Alexander added, rubbing the tip between his fingers. ''I'm sure your ears feel even better''

"What?!" Kaito raised his hands only to touch the tips of what would appear to be animal ears poking out of his hair.

''What is this..? how is this possible'' Kaito murmured.

"Its your heat period, of course your animal traits are going to appear more obvious during those times." Alexander explained calmly, staring intently into Kaito's face.

Kaito looked back dumbly

"Your body is preparing itself for mating, so you're likely to experience stronger urges and desires then normal. It's completely natural."

"What does that do with growing out ears and a tail!''

''Thats normal in werewolves, although purebreeds transform into complete wolves instead of half human/half wolf forms like you.''

Kaito was struck by lightning ''I'm a what?!''

Alexander looked thoughtful and gently patted Kaito's head. "No matter, I will tell you more later. It seems you're experiencing a heat episode right now... your heart beat is faster and.. your blood flow is thicker." Alexander noted, smiling at the sight.

Kaito looked away from Alexander, embarrassed.

"Why don't we get rid of those sheets?"