Archfiend's Essence

Regaining his focus, Ryan looked into Timmy's eyes again and saw the same blank look he had seen that day on Tina.

'This sick bastard must pay. Getting justice and freeing that man shall be my first act at solving the tumor festering inside this planet for too long,' Ryan swore, clenching his fists.

As the bid was over for Timmy, Ryan couldn't free Timmy the legal way. 'But there's always the illegal one.'

Ryan put that thought aside as he continued watching the auction.

The auctioneer pushed her hair off her face and looked at the audience. "You all are going to love this next piece. [Necklace of Charm] gives the wearer better appeal to anyone they desire," the auctioneer said, pointing to the model wearing a necklace as she crossed the stage.

"Now, tell me what you see. Isn't it the most beautiful image you've ever seen?"

"Oh, I love her blonde hair!" a woman shouted.

"What do you mean? She has red hair, my favorite," another barked.