Fantasy World = Earth?

After Ryan successfully retrieved his two items, he exited the auction house with a pep in his step.

'It appears someone didn't have enough cash to splash and wants to take my items the old fashion way,' Ryan thought, sensing two figures following him.

'Although I don't know what two non-cultivators think they can do against me.'

Walking through the bustling town, Ryan meandered between the stalls at a slow pace, allowing his followers to keep track of him.

After exiting the market district, Ryan headed toward a deserted dead-end ally.

"That's far enough," a voice came behind Ryan as he got 3m (~10ft) into the ally.

Turning around, Ryan came face to face with the most beautiful two men he had ever seen, besides himself of course.

Ryan first noted that both men appeared to be in their late twenties.

The taller man was dressed in all black, while the shorter one wore a brown leather jacket and navy blue pants over a white shirt and red tie.