Trial Ground

3rd person POV


After Thor And Loki explained how they got to that point, Odin realized why he and Frigga couldn't sense Thor and Loki.

"Father, you must get us out of here. This must be a conspiracy of the Kree people. We must demand an answer from them.", said Loki to Odin.

"Yes, father. I will lead the three warriors to demand an answer from them.", said Thor.

"I expected better from you, especially you Loki. You are the smartest of the two. Do you think the Kree can outpower both your father and I?", said Frigga cutting both of them off.

"Do you know how worried we were thinking that we had lost you? Whatever it is that did this had the power to rend our power meaningless. Our powers can't affect your bodies or your souls. This is not the work of the Kree people. They don't have the power to make such technologies yet.", said Frigga.

Odin was in thought thinking about what had happened.

There was something that his sons said that gave him the clue to finding out who may be the one behind this.

"Thor and Loki. Remember clearly. Did that Closs you talk about really call me The All Father of this world?", asked Odin breaking out of his thoughts.

The sudden question puzzled Thor and Loki but they still answered it truthfully as they never heard their father talk so seriously to them before.

"Yes, when we questioned him he called you the All Father of this world.", replied Loki.

"This world..... Could it be ? Odin.", Frigga said realizing something.

"I fear it to be true too , Frigga.", said Odin stroking his beard.

"What are you talking about, father and mother?", said Loki being puzzled by their conversation.

"Yes, father. What do you fear to be true, father?", asked Thor.

"I fear that Closs the being that could be behind this incident has taken that step.", said Odin sighing.

"What step?", asked both Thor and Loki being intrigued.

"The step that I want to take but I can't. I fear that this Closs has taken the step into becoming a Multiversal powerhouse.", said Odin.

Yes Odin knew about the multiverse. After all he fought against the Celestials alongside the Council of Godheads. He along with the survivors of that war knew from where the Celestials came from. They knew that the Celestials weren't from this universe as they would have known about those beings with such colossal power beforehand if they did exist in this universe. But them not knowing about them only points towards one truth. That being the Celestials came from outside the universe and so they didn't know about them beforehand. This also gave them the knowledge that there are other worlds outside of this world that they are in.

Odin at his peak had taken half a step into becoming a universal powerhouse. He couldn't even sense the outside of this universe he was in meaning that there was another step after one became a Universal powerhouse. The war against the Celestials proved his conjecture that another step existed which he then confirmed from the Ancient One.

Him not being able to defeat the Celestials only proved to him that there are multiversal entities out there.

"Multiversal powerhouse?", muttered Thor as both he and Loki was confused.

But his mutterings were heard by the others.

"Multiversal powerhouse?", yelled out Bruce.

He then ran from where he was towards Thor and Loki and stood by them.

"Greetings, All Father. My name is Bruce Banner. I am a scientist from Earth. Does the phrase Multiversal powerhouse mean that Closs is a powerhouse who is powerful even in the Multiverse?", asked Bruce in an excited tone.

"Mind your tone, Banner.", said Thor displeased at how Bruce was acting in front of his father.

"I apologize for my gaffe. But you don't understand how revolutionary this discovery is. This means that we are not alone. There are other worlds out there. Those worlds may have us but in different circumstances, different powers and personalities and maybe even different bodies.", Bruce started talking slowly but towards the end he became excited again showing his state of mind.

His words shocked many people.

"You guys said that you are tasked with defeating something that you don't know now but will now what it is when you see that thing and that defeating that thing will unlock more things for you guys to do, right?", asked Odin feeling like he had understood what this was snapping everyone from their thoughts.

"Yes.", nodded many people not understanding why he asked that again when Thor already mentioned it before.

But some people started connecting the dots.

"Could it be?", said Bruce out loud.

"Father, do you mean this is a...?", asked Loki feeling like he was in the brink of discovering the secret of this place.

"What are you guys talking about?", said Ned feeling like he was left out because they found out something that he doesn't know.

"I believe that this place may be a trial ground for you people. The one behind creating this place may have created this place to test the players. And this being a test means that whoever passes will be rewarded by that one. And the rewards from a multiversal entity can only be something that even I can only envy. I have seen multiversal entities with the power of creation and even if they don't give you powers, It is only fit that such entities give something that is rare even to someone like me. ", explained Odin.

"I see. So the freedom that was said in the ad meant the freedom to get out of one's own world.", said Loki.

"Yes. So I must say that you boys are now involved in something even greater than all the things that you think you have ever known about this world. I hurry you up to get to completing this trial. Closs said that you should hurry up to prepare for nightfall, which means that you will face enemies during night. I see that the sun has almost started setting. So hurry up to prepare for the first trial you people will face.", said Odin urging everyone to start working.

Hearing his words everyone woke up from their stupor and started working.

"Are you sure that you shouldn't interfere , Odin?", said Frigga.

"They are both my sons but I no we won't be here for them forever. They must grow up to face the world as soon as possible. I don't know what this mysterious entity wants to do with them but we can see that it's power is protecting them. We can do nothing more other than wait and see what happens to them.", sighed Odin.

"I applaud your intelligence to know where the silver lining lies, God King Odin of this world.", an emotionless voice sounded out of nowhere.

"Who?", Odin and Frigga both shouted.

A ball of light condensed out of nowhere as Odin and Frigga felt reality fading away.

"I am Closs, the being in charge of this game or the trial ground as you called it. I come forward this time to warm you of your violation.", the ball of light spoke.

"And what is this violation you speak about?", Odin spoke calmly.

"The divulgence of the multiverse. Your children are too weak now to know about such things or even think about them. It is my duty to inform them and the others of such information when the correct time comes. But that correct time is not now. Although I do understand that you already know about this. Yet you did tell them because of your fear of the unknown. So, I come to inform you about this violation and the punishment for it. As this is a first time offence, I will forgive your punishment. But there won't be a second time. Do understand that beings with power you can't even begin to imagine are looking at this game.", said Closs.

"I will keep that on my mind.", said Odin feeling the graveness of this matter.

"Do not worry about your children. We only offer the finest services to our players, we are even quite generous with the penalties from deaths in game. I will ensure a good time for the players and the viewers watching. After all I am in charge of moderating.", said Closs still in his cold mechanical voice before disappearing and returning Odin and Frigga to where they were before.

But for some reason, Odin and Frigga felt bad for some time after Closs mentioned he would ensure a good time for the players and viewers.

But they dismissed that feeling as something they only experienced because of his sudden appearance.


Author's Note:

The support on this book is very insane to me. I never thought that I would get so many power stones when I asked for 50 power stones. Thank you for your love and support for this book. I truly am very grateful to those that read my work and are supporting my books as I never thought that a part time writer like me would write a book that will get this popular.

Sorry for not uploading last Friday. I suffered from food poisoning after I went out with my friends the evening before and they dragged me to try "this really awesome dish from this food stall". Guess my stomach didn't like that food and I suffered for like 4 days before I got back to normal. Anyway I am back to normal now, so no worries. Except I won't be eating foods in a food stall ever again.

I will try to upload more this next week, but I can't make any promises on which day it will be on as I am once again in a tight schedule to make up for whatever time to study was lost during my sickness.

Please vote with power stones. Let's get this book on the Power Stone rankings.

And once again, thank you for your patience and support for this book.

Lord Serenity signing off.