
Hearing what Odin said woke everyone up from their stupor that they fell into hearing his talk.

"Father is correct. Night is coming and we must prepare for whatever challenges come our way.", said Loki.

"I agree.", said Bruce.

"I remember that we were given some guides on how to start and it said to start by breaking down trees. But how do we break trees down? We have no tools.", questioned Logan.

"I don't know.", Loki shook his head.

So Logan looked towards the others to see if they were given some other instructions. But they also shook their head indicating that they also didn't know.

"I don't need tools. My hands are enough to break whatever block I come upon.", said Thor proudly.

"Normally I wouldn't agree but I agree with Thor this time. We don't have any tools so we use what we have. Our hands. I'm sure that we will find tools or even can craft tools in the future.", chipped in Jean.

"We can only do so.", said Bruce.

The others nodded.

So Thor followed by the group came towards the forest and stood in front of the outermost tree.

Thor then took a deep breath and lifted up his arm in a punching motion and punched the tree with closed eyes.

But only a knocking sound sounded and he didn't feel the pain he thought he would have felt in the body of a mortal.

He stopped his action and stared at his fist wondering why.

"Why did you stop punching?", asked Loki puzzled by his sudden inaction.

"If I punch something with all my strength, isn't my fist supposed to hurt?", asked Thor.

"Yes. But why do you ask?", asked Jean.

"Because when I punched the log of this tree, I felt no pain. No wait. maybe it's working.", said Thor discovering something that made him make up his mind to continue punching.

So Thor then started punching the tree again and soon everyone started noticing a thing.

Cracks beginning to show in the place Thor was punching.

"When I punched this log, I didn't feel any sort of pain. It was like knocking on the surface of a solid object yet I was clearly punching it. I was baffled so I stopped. I thought that maybe I was doing it the wrong way. But then I saw that there was a crack on the corner of this outlined cube. So I started punching again and look at it now. There are more and more cracks growing on the surface meaning that I am breaking this tree.", explained Thor while still punching the log of the tree which had cracks beginning to encompass a piece of the log the shape of a cube.

5 seconds later that piece of log broke apart from the tree and fell to the ground hovering above the grass.

Thor went near it and crouched to pick it up.

Thus he earned the achievement " "

At the same moment he heard a announcement ring out in the world.


[ Player Thor Odinson has earned the achievement "Getting Wood ". He is now awarded 500 stream points. I encourage all the players to work hard to earn more achievements.]


[Player Thor Odinson is the first player to earn the achievement "Getting Wood " . He is awarded an extra 1000 stream points. His name is also recorded in the Server Journal of Achievements.]

With the end of that announcement everyone opened their inventory to open the journal to check if his name really was recorded there and sure enough it was true. His name was recorded in a bright purple color along with his deed in the server achievement section of the journal.

Feeling elated at this, Thor then came back to the inventory and saw that he had a log in one of his slots.

He then selected the log to inspect it and saw that it's name was Oak Log x1.

"Did you get the log?", asked Felicia.

"Yes. It's in my inventory. It's called Oak log. But what do I do now?", asked Thor feeling confused regarding the log's use.

"Well, give it to me, brother. I have an idea that I want to try.", said Loki.

"Sure.", said Thor as he took the log into his palm and then threw it to Loki.

The log fell to the ground hovering above the grass.

Loki crouched to pick it up.

He then went into his inventory and laid his eyes upon the crafting grid.

Since this place is called the crafting grid then surely you can craft things here using other things.

So he put the log in a crafting slot. As soon as he did that a new item came up on the result slot of the crafting grid.

"Hah, I knew it.", said Loki as he picked up the new item from the crafting grid resulting in it going to his inventory.

He saw that it was called Oak Planks x9.

"What did you do?", asked Logan seeing a new item in Loki's palm.

"I put the log into the crafting grid of our inventory. And it turned into 9 Oak planks.", said Loki triumphantly.

"That's more building materials. I suggest everyone to take a tree to get more materials and see if we can make more things but make sure to not be too far apart. We don't know if there are hostile creatures nearby. Loki, you have some planks in your hands. See if you can craft more things from them.", said Bruce while going towards a tree.

Everyone nodded and started to select trees to cut down.

Loki also went to a tree near Thor's one. But instead of cutting it down like everyone else, he did what Bruce asked him to do.

He started fiddling with the crafting grid and also informed everyone when he found anything.

"So a putting a plank into the grid turns it into a... button? What am I supposed to do with a button?", asked Loki.

"Maybe it's for building purposes. We could build a house with a door where we need to push the button to open the door.", theorized Peter.

"Well then that's too bad. We don't even know if we can get through this night, let alone how long it's gonna take for us to get to a point where we can worry about making a house just the way we would like it to be.", said Logan.

"Well guys you don't need to worry about surviving tonight because I found out a new crafting recipe. Putting two planks, one under the other, makes 4 sticks. Woohoo, we are going to die tonight.", said Loki with sarcasm.

"What are we gonna do with sticks? A stick is not gonna hurt anything that may endanger us.", said Thor angrily.

"Calm down you both. A stick is the best find we have gotten all day.", said Bruce calming Thor and Loki down.

"How?", asked Ned.

"Yes, how? I might as well be using my fists to punch them. They are probably more useful than sticks.", said Thor huffing.

"Thor, don't you use a hammer?", asked Bruce.

"Yes, I thought you knew about it.", said Thor puzzled at the sudden change of subject.

"Wait, do you mean that we can craft tools?", asked Loki putting the pieces of the puzzled together.

"Yes. Thor your hammer's handle is made out of a wooden stick. Us finding the way to make sticks mean that we can use these sticks to make tools. Loki, try using the planks and the sticks to see if you can make us some tools.", said Bruce.


Author's Note:

You guys are crushing the power stones this book gets with your generosity.

If this book gets 150 powers stones before Friday then I will upload on Saturday.

Also should I change the name of Bruce to Banner?

Because if I go to DC I'm the future it may lead to problems with Bruce Wayne.

Peace out