The Clash Begins

With Thor brandishing his axe, everyone else also took out their weapons.

"Uh.... Aren't we overreacting? I mean we did see pigs, cows and even sheep and none of them attacked us.", asked Ned as he was puzzled on why Thor, Loki, Bruce and Logan was nervous.

"I would be very glad if I could agree with you, kid. But I can't agree with you. Yes, we saw different kinds of animals today and yes, none of them attacked us. But they also weren't bothered by our presence, they didn't react even when we were near them. But look at these green creatures, they are all coming towards us.", said Logan thrusting his sword towards the group of 4 zombies to indicate their route.

Hearing him mentioning the mob's movement, everyone also noticed that the green mobs were slowly but surely coming towards them.

"Then.... What do we do?", asked Peter nervously.

"What do we do? Of course, we fight. This is a trial. You people just stand back and watch my greatness in a fight.", said Thor arrogantly.

After saying that Thor, he started running towards the group of zombies clearly to fight them by himself.

"Wait! Thor!", said Loki but Thor paid no attention as he reached the group and swung his axe towards the torse first zombie that was coming towards him.

A dull groan escaped from the hit green mob's mouth as it stumbled back a few blocks.

"Your brother seems to not listen to you.", said Logan as he started running towards Thor to join in the fight.

Thor was going ahead to hit a mob and then coming back to dodge any attacks. He was being successful in his endeavor and was successfully changing between mobs to hit.

However he made a mistake on juggling his opponents as one of previously attacked green mob sneaked up behind him.

He found it too late as it was rearing up it's hand in order to hand.

Thankfully Logan had already reached Thor by then.

He swung his axe towards the head of the hostile creature and hit it sending it stumbling back a few blocks away.

Thor stared blankly at Logan because he didn't need to help him.

"Are you really dumb? We just agreed that we gotta have each other's back.", said Logan as he swung his axe at that zombie again. He was getting irritated by Thor's foolishness.

Thor nodded and went back to attacking the hostile mobs, this time with Logan having his back and him having Logan's.

Sif also wanted to join but Loki stopped her.

"Why are you stopping me?", asked Sif angrily.

"Look at the fight. Do you think they need your help. They can handle them on their own.",said Loki pointing at Thor and Logan.

Just as he pointed towards them, Logan hit the head of the green mob causing it to burst into a cloud of smoke with a 'poof!'

Along with that they heard another announcement.


[ Player James Logan Howlett is the first player to kill the mob zombie and is the first player to kill any mob. Thus he has earned the achievement "Monster Hunter". He is now awarded 500 stream points. I encourage all the players to work hard to earn more achievements.]


[Player James Logan Howlett is the first player to earn the achievement "Monster Hunter" . He is awarded an extra 1000 stream points. His name is also recorded in the Server Journal of Achievements.]

They knew by now that the first person to accomplish any notable feat had their name written in the achievement log of the journal so nobody checked it out this time.

However they also found out something interesting and that is that the green mob that they are fighting is called Zombies.

"Zombies, huh? I guess this naming does make sense.", said Bruce.

"Oh? You know these creatures called Zombies?", asked Loki feeling intrigued as he had never of any creatures called Zombies.

"Not in real life. But there are some fictional mentions of these creatures. Zombies are undead dead bodies that still haunt this world in search of food even after their deaths.

Logan noticed that the mob dropped something on the ground when it got vaporized.

He picked it up and checked it out. It was called rotten flesh. Although he didn't know it's use he kept it on him in case it is needed.

By that time, Thor also had killed his zombies.

They vanished into a cloud of smoke with a "poof!".

"That was easy.", said Thor as he started to come towards Loki and the others.

Logan went ahead to pick up the rotten fleshes from Thor's mobs.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself. The night has only just started.", said Bruce.

"Do not worry. No matter what comes next, you can count on me, Thor, to take care of them.", said Thor in a triumphant tone.

Just as he said that, the group started hearing more and more groans coming from the forest. The groans being the same to what the mobs before had made.

They looked towards the forest and saw a large pack of zombies. There were 20 zombies in that group alone coming from the forest towards them.

"Well.... That is a lot.", gulped Peter.

"Yes. That is a lot. Looks like we defeating the zombies alerted other zombies nearby.", said Bruce.

"Ah. Guys. I think we're in trouble.", said Jean pointing her sword to the left of them.

There was another group of zombies coming towards them from their left side.

"Thor, Logan and Sif, you three go ahead and take the group of zombies head on. Even if you can't defeat them. Make sure to keep them at bay and stop them from advancing. I, Loki, Peter and Jean will take on the group coming from our left. The others will stay here and use wood to make us a boxed shelter.", said Bruce making a strategy to fend off the zombies.

Since they couldn't win because of the sheer number of zombies, he decided that they need a shelter from the night.

It is true that he didn't know if zombies could break blocks but even if they could, the shelter will still delay their time to reach the players and by that time, they would've killed the zombies.

"Ned, you and the others use those planks to start building a structure big enough to hold us.", said Bruce.

He nodded.

And so Ned, Shuri and Felicia stayed behind to build a shelter while the others charged at the zombies intending to delay time.

And thus the first clash between the zombies and the players started.


Author's Note:

And so starts the first night of our players.

They already fought zombies and will be fighting a big group of zombies in the next chapter.

Hmmm... Maybe I should add skeletons and creepers for fun XD.

Also I saw quite a few people being angry at why I didn't leave any protective measures for the bodies of the players when they play. People can interact with the bodies of the players but they can't affect them and can't damage them. That's why I mentioned how Frigga's magic not affecting the bodies of Thor and Loki and Odin not sensing them with his Odinforce. Because few people can overpower them and them not being able to do anything just proves how strong the protection of the black eyes are.

Anyway 200 power stones by Saturday and a guaranteed update on Sunday.

Peace Out