Here They Come

"Ok let me see if I can find some ways to craft some tools.", said Loki.

"Ok. So three planks don't make anything and one plank under or on top of or on one side of one stick also makes nothing. Two planks side by side make a Hah! Got it. Putting four planks in the crafting table turns it into a crafting Table.",said Loki.

Then Loki selected the crafting table in his hand and placed it in front of him on top of a grass block.

He took a closer look at the crafting table.

It had a saw, an axe integrated on the side that was in front of him. Another Scissor was on the left side and the right side. And an axe and a saw was integrated on the back side of the crafting table. On top of tab crafting table , there was a 3x3 crafting grid.

"You were right , Bruce. I can see that there are 9 crafting slots here . We can use this as a work bench to craft things.", said Loki to Bruce who had cut down all the logs of his tree and had come to Loki .

"Well, then you try use different items to see if you can find out some recipes for tools. l got 6 logs from my tree . I'm gonna make all of them except 2 logs into planks In case we need building blocks to build a defensive wall or barrier. " , said Bruce while holding a log in his palm.

"You got 6 logs? Then you see if you can find out some recipes. I shall go and break down my tree to get more resources. We don't know what we will face tonight so it will be better for me to get some resources now than to regret not getting them later.", said Loki before going to the tree had selected and start breaking logs.

"Alright. I will see what I can do.", said Bruce before starting to tinker with the crafting table.

He made 4 logs into planks thus getting 36 planks. He then turned two planks into 4 sticks.

Good. I have the handles for the tools now. I now just have to try to see if I can make tools using the sticks and the planks. Surely we can make wooden tools with these planks to start us off. Thought Bruce.

He then looked at the top of the crafting table and started thinking about possible combinations to try to craft tools.

Since he believed that the stick meant to be used as a handle for the tools, he decided that the sticks should either be placed in the bottom row or on the top row of the grid.

He decided to make a sword to start them off, because sword has been a weapon that was common in every part of the world in all ages albeit different places had different shaped swords.

Surely a sword is a tool we can make. Thought Bruce.

So he started tinkering with the planks and sticks to see if he can create a sword or any other tool.

After a while, he found out the recipe for a sword.

"Hah! Got it finally.", exclaimed Bruce as everyone turned to look at him and saw a sword laying on top of the crafting table.

"Finally I have found out how to craft a wooden sword.", said Bruce as he took the sword in his hands and equipped it.

He went to the inventory and saw the stats of the wooden sword. It had a green bar in the bottom of the slot which indicated it's health. When he inspected the sword, he saw it's damage and attack speed. It had 4 damage and 1.6 attack speed.

"Guys we now have our first weapon. It's a wooden sword. It deals 4 damage and has an attack speed of 1.6, which I guess means that you can attack 1.6 times in a second dealing 6.4 damage per second. Although I don't know how much health the monsters have but at least this is a start.", said Bruce.

"That's good. How do we make a sword?", asked the ones who had finished cutting down their trees.

"Put a stick in the middle slot of the bottom side of the grid and fill the two slots above with planks. You'll get a wooden sword. I was right in assuming that the sticks are used as a handle. I will now try to see if I can make some other tools. After you guys are finished gathering wood, come here to craft the swords.", said Bruce.

He then decided to use two sticks as a handle to see if he can craft any tools. He placed a plank on top of the sticks and it turned into a wooden shovel. He did the same again except this time placed a plank in the left side of the top plank and it turned into a hoe. He did the same again but this time filled top grid with oak planks and thus he made a wooden pickaxe. He tinkered around a little bit more to see if he could craft another tool and voila. He crafted himself a wooden axe. He was wondering if they could make an axe as it's a very fundamental tool in all civilizations.

Thus he found out how to craft wooden shovel, wooden axe, wooden pickaxe and wooden hoe, Although they won't be using the hoe because they aren't farming now.

He then informed the rest of the players about his discoveries and told them to make their own tools using that crafting table since he thought that wasting resources this early isn't good for them.

They agreed with him and thus they took turns to make tools using that crafting table.

They made one of every tool. Most of them decided to equip swords because of it's high attack speed.

But fee people like Thor, Peter and Bruce decided to use the axe due to it's high attack damage.

Although it does have a damage of 7 but the low attack speed of 0.8 made many people decide nog to use it.

"Is everyone ready?", asked Loki.

"Yes.", nodded everyone.

"The sun is starting to set meaning night time has arrived. We must fight together against whatever monster comes our way.", said Bruce.

" I agree. We must be aware of our surroundings. I suggest we stay seperate but close enough so that we can come to each other's rescue.", said Logan as the sun set and the moon started to rise.

"I agree.", said Loki .

The others nodded indicating their affirmation.

"Uh.... Guys. I hate to burst your bubble but it's too late for that.", said Thor looking behind into the forest.

At this the group turned their attention to look at where Thor was looking at and saw some green mobs wearing cyan shirts and blue pants walking towards them with their arms up.

"Here they come.", said Thor before brandishing his axe.


Author's Note:

And the gameplay officially starts. I am not that good in this aspect so I'd like to hear some advices from the readers of this book.

Also you guys are crushing the power stone goal I'm setting up.

So how about we go for 200 power stones by Wednesday.

If you guys reach that goal by Wednesday after the reset on Sunday, then I'll update on Thursday.

Peace Out