A friend

After clearing some indigenous monster around their resting place, Lucian was walking back to where Mothra was.

When he was near, he started hearing a soft insect voice singing.

It was Mothra, she liked to sing.

Getting inside their closed hiding spot, Lucian casually leans over to the wall near the entrance and speaks.

"You could be attracting monsters with your singing, don't you think."

Yes, he can now communicate with Mothra.

Well, not from verbally, but they are using some kind of psychic link.

It's confusing, and he can't actually tell how he was also capable of it. Even Mothra was surprised at first, but now she has a different theory.

In the beginning he was unable to convey his thoughts when Mothra was sending all kinds of weird words to him.

But as time went by, he learned the trick and was now able to send back messages.

While they both were now able to speak to each other, they still had the language gap that was hindering them to hold any type of coherent conversation.

However, at some point as some magical click they started to understand the basics of each other's language. It was still difficult, but then they subconsciously and consciously started understanding each other's language at a deeper level.

At some point they started communicating in some sort of a combination between the two languages; like someone from south Delhi.

"No I won't. Aren't you clearing the surroundings regularly."

"Woah, so you have been using me so that I can protect you."

"Ha ha, yes, yes, what else can you dumb bear do."

"Mind you, I was a ranker."


"Never mind that, my queen. Please tell me if this bear can do something for your highness."

"Nothing at the moment, but if I do, you will be informed.

For now, I want you to sit by my side."

"He he, as you command your highness."

He checks over his shoulder out the entrance briefly, then starts walking to Mothra and plops his ass down.

A comfortable silence then follows. It's not that they didn't have anything to talk about.

Hell, they had plenty of stuff they want to ask and say to the other.

And Lucian and Mothra had crossed the initial line of strangers and have been resting in the area where they considered each other friends.

Maybe they only needed a push from another to spill all the beans.

But the push never came.

For now, they were comfortable with the silence they had.

It was not all good though.

Looking at the injuries on her body, Lucian sighed. Whenever he asks about them she just replies with 'It will be alright.'

But she has yet to show any signs of recovery. Instead, something else was happening to her, and he just might have a guess what.

"You're like an oneesan."

"What's an oneesan."

"You know, like an elder sister of sorts."

"He he, you consider me as your elder sister then."

"You wish; but you don't actually have to have siblings, some just give off the vibe."

"Good, because I am the only one of my species."

"Hmm… wanna talk about it."

"…nah, maybe some other time."

"You got a lot of secrets for a bug."

"Woah, you're one to say."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know how much of an anomaly you are. I have never seen something like you."

"Again, what does that mean?"

"How would I know, I have been trying to figure it out for some time now. You tell me, why are you so different."

He went quiet for a moment and thought of his transmigration status.

"Wanna talk about it."

"…nah, maybe some other time."

Looking at each other from the corner of their eyes, both burst into laughter.

When the laughter died, Lucian saw how Mothra was wincing in pain just from laughing.

"How much time more." For the first time in the conversation, Lucian turned to Mothra and asked.

"You know, don't you." Mothra kept her gaze forward, not looking at him. But Lucian didn't shift his gaze.

"Are you going to tell me know; Who did this to you?"

This was not the first time he asked her this. But she always deflects and didn't push her on this; until now.

"You know, I only have until the sun sets. After that, I don't know when we will talk."

Lucian doesn't reply and just keeps looking at her.

"Haa.." sighing, Mothra turned to now face him and finally said.

"Just beware of the Apes."

Hearing this bombs started going off in Lucian's head. However he kept his calm and didn't let it come out. He wanted to avoid worrying his friend at this time.


For all this time now, he had bottled a lot of stuff in him.

The life of always being on your toes, looking for the next hunt was slowly breaking him

And spending some time with Mothra, talking to her had eased a lot for him.

He knew that if his previous state had continued, he would have gone mad.

Don't know how long, but eventually he would have cracked. Losing most if not all of the person he once was.

Turning into a monster.

So, he was truly grateful towards Mothra.

Her just being there to listen did more than he could ask for.

He finally didn't fell alone.

Mothra had curled into herself and a layer of sorts was starting to cover her.

He knew Mothra was sort of immortal, so even with all the injuries she had, he was not overly worried and had just stayed by her.

And now the time had come.

"I'm going to miss you."

Lucian sent a message through the physic link, not hoping for a reply.

But one did come.

"I'll be back."

"he he."

In the final moments before Mothra completely turned into an egg, she was confused why her friend was laughing at her parting words.


(An: The relationship is going to be purely platonicplutonic. The follow up soul land version of the novel will be where I explore more of their relationship.)