Shen Lian was wanted by the Song Dynasty. He was a wanted criminal. But a small county magistrate in the Song Dynasty thought this matter was strange. The county magistrate's name is Bao Zheng. He is an excellent official who loves the people like a son. He thought that Shen Lian was plotted against. Bao Zheng asked the detectives around him to investigate in Yingtianfu, and went to find Shen Lian by himself.

In the evening, Shen Lian entered a restaurant, and the owner said, "Hi, what would you like to eat?"

Shen Lian said: "Please give me a plate of sauced mutton and a jar of white wine"

Shen Lian ate meat and drank heavily. He didn't know that the guests in the other seats were agents of the Song Dynasty. A spy drew out his sword and stabbed at Shen Lian's chest. Shen Lian quickly turned over from the table, drew out his long knife and started fighting with the spies.

The barrels were smashed. The whole hotel is on the verge of smashing

The blade reflected the moonlight, and the tip was dripping with blood.

The spies surrounded Shen Lian. At this moment, Bao Zheng's bodyguards rode over the bridge and shot arrows at the hotel, killing all the bodyguards. Shen Lian saw Bao Zheng in the sedan chair. He knelt in front of Bao Zheng and said, "Lord Bao, Lord Bao! Help me! I have devoted my whole life to serving the country loyally, but now I have been framed by Shangshu Jinghao of the Ministry of War, and the emperor has also been framed by him." Jing Hao has been brainwashed!" Bao Zheng said: "General Shen, come back to Fengtian Mansion with me, I will investigate this matter thoroughly." Shen Lian shed tears of excitement, and he said: "Thank you Master Bao!"

The next day, Bao Zheng's guards came back from Yingtian Mansion. They brought back Shen Lian's lieutenants, they were witnesses. Bao Zheng said: "Have you brought back the imperial decree?" The guards handed the imperial decree to Bao Zheng, and Bao Zheng took the imperial decree and read the above content. Bao Zheng said: "It seems that Jing Hao, Minister of the Ministry of War, has been lurking beside the emperor for a long time."

Shen Lian said: "I can only train soldiers but not investigate cases"

Bao Zheng picked up a brush and wrote various evidences on the paper.

Bao Zheng dispatched five Jinyiwei to hide in Jinghao's house.

At midnight, when Jing Hao returned home, he laughed three times and said, "Shen Lian has escaped from the territory of the Song Dynasty now, and I will never threaten you again."

Jing Hao said to the guards beside him: "You must protect me tonight." The soldier agreed.

Therefore, few soldiers came over and they said, "My lord, we went to all the brothels and found 10 beautiful girls for you, and they have been tied up and brought back by us." Jing Hao said, "I want to enjoy it! "

Jin Yiwei, who was lying on the roof, said: "Shangshu Jinghao of the Ministry of War, he deliberately framed Shen Lian and robbed the women of the people! He is simply a beast!"

Jin Yiwei broke into Jinghao's bedroom, rescued the 10 girls and brought them back to Fengtian Mansion.

Bao Zheng listened to Jin Yiwei's description

The next day, he came to Jinghao's house with Shangfang's sword and a forbidden army. Bao Zheng kicked open the bedroom door, and Jing Hao was still lying on the bed with a girl in his arms. The guards tied Jinghao up and put him in a prison van.

Jing Hao said: "Bao Zheng! You are just a small county magistrate, but I am the Minister of the Ministry of War!" Bao Zheng put Shang Fang's sword in front of Jing Hao, Jing Hao panicked and said: "Is this Shang Fang's sword?!"

Bao Zheng said: "I can sentence you first and then report to the emperor. All my rights are specially bestowed by the emperor." Jing Hao said: "Everything is over!" Jing Hao burst into tears.

A week later, Bao Zheng, as a judge, announced that Jing Hao would be tried in Fengtian Mansion.

The guards shouted "Mighty! Mighty! Mighty!"

Bao Zheng said: "You deliberately framed General Shen Lian

Jing Hao said: "You have no evidence!"

Bao Zheng said: "You can ask Shen Lian's adjutant. I still have that imperial edict.

And you robbed the women of the people!"

The ten girls said: "He ordered the soldiers to kidnap us and take us to his home! Please Lord Bao decide for us!"

Jing Hao said: "You are talking nonsense!!"

Bao Zheng said: "I saw it too. We went to your house that day, and you were still sleeping with a girl in your arms."

Jinghao said: "No!"

Bao Zheng said: "You have brainwashed the emperor. This is deceiving the emperor! According to the second and third chapters of the "Law of the Great Song Dynasty", you will be beheaded and the executioner will perform the task immediately!"

A huge guillotine was placed in front of Jinghao, it was a dog's head guillotine. Jing Hao shouted: "Help me, I don't want to die!" Bao Zheng said: "Bad people will never end well."

The executioner pressed Jing Hao on the dog's head.