What A Feeling

What A Feeling

- One Direction –


Lunch was over, and Vince Hong had escorted Reika to her studio-type apartment and escorted Svea, who lived with her brother in the Kowloon area.

Now only Vince Hong and Eva Lee are in the car.

Eva Lee turned her body so she was facing Vince Hong. "Tell me, what did you do to know where my campus is?" Her eyes fell into his black pupils. This Korean girl was still annoyed that Young Master Hong had managed to detect her private matters.

Well, college was a personal thing for Eva Lee.

Vince Hong snorted in amusement as he watched Eva Lee's annoyed expression as they stopped at a red light. "Suppose some kind fairy godmother told me. Simple, right?"

Eva Lee returned to her original posture while snorting in annoyance and folding her arms in front of her chest. "And I don't think I need to tell you my address because I'm sure you already know that too," she muttered without glancing at Vince Hong.