Sassy Girl

Sassy Girl

- Plush –


The sound of galloping horses sounded rhythmic, as if they were galloping on a catwalk. Before long, the gallops got faster, faster, and then the horse seemed to fly. How beautiful it was when it soared through the air, then flung its feet back to the ground in a graceful manner.

Vince Hong clapped his hands not far from the green field while whistling with two fingers.

The horse-riding man immediately turned to the source of the voice and smiled. His riding hat and glasses didn't hinder his shining face.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The rider galloped his tall horse to the edge of the field, then stopped next to Vince Hong. "To think that you really care about me to know where I am, Hong boy, that is very touching." He chuckled.

"Devil Lam, don't get used to believing too much in your self-created superstition," Vince Hong replied to Kevin Lam.