

- Sleeping With Sirens –


Young Master Hong left the big HKU without looking back after seeing Eva Lee, who unsteadily took Johan Wong away. He was followed by the Die Hard Boys.

Several HKU chat groups quickly filled up with topics about Vince Hong and Eva Lee today.

[Do you know what happened today on campus?]

[What's that? What's that? Tell me quickly! I came home earlier!]

[The young master of the Jin Long Group was humiliated by our college girl!]

[Wait a minute! Are you talking about Vince Hong?]

[Who else except him?]

After that, the story flowed into the HKU Medical Faculty chat group. The conversation grew louder. There were pros and cons there.

[So what if Eva Lee slapped Vince Hong? I will also do the same as her if there is a great pretentious man near me.]

[Ahh, don't brag! I know who you are! Yesterday, you shrank when approached by that thug Wilhelm! Yes, right?]