Bang Bang Bang

Bang Bang Bang

- Big Bang -


Life continued to be calm after the previous Alvito Fidel's storm. Of course, no one knew about Mrs. Carmen Lee's cruel action toward Alvito and Jim. Only she and the Dark Dragon triad knew about the reason for Alvito and Jim's disappearance.

One night, Eva Lee asked her mother, who was already dressed, "Where are you going, Mom?"

Mrs. Carmen Lee fixed the modern bun on her head and replied, "I have a meeting with my friends."

"Oh, well, be careful, Ma. Don't take too long." Eva Lee, who was used to her mother's frequent gatherings with her socialite friends, nodded in understanding and went into her own room. It was already almost 10 p.m.

Stepping lightly, Mrs. Carmen Lee's feet made their way to the elevator, down, and then to the parking lot to get into her own car. She drove the car herself when she had personal business.