I've Got Your Image

I've Got Your Image

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The fat man's name was Juan Arlo Fidel. Yes, the name alone implied that he was the father of Alvito Fidel.

Who was Juan Arlo Fidel?

He's one of Colombia's top coal tycoons. A wealthy man who was arguably the ruler of coal exports from the country and respected by his business peers.

Since Colombia was among the top 10 coal-producing countries in the world, it was safe to say that Juan Arlo Fidel's name was a big one.

But, to the world's surprise... Alvito was the illegitimate son of Juan Arlo Fidel when the businessman seduced and impregnated one of his servants.

Because Alvito's biological mother, who was a common maid at Fidel's mansion, was pregnant with Juan Arlo Fidel, the legitimate wife of the great master Fidel did not accept it and wanted to kill the woman.

The servant fled back to Venezuela, the land of her birth, carrying a large belly containing the fetus, Alvito.