You Are My Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine

- Johnny Cash –


"Mr. Vince Hong," said Mr. Lawyer Park Song Hyun. "You must be firm with them tomorrow. Ask them to return your money because that is your right. Don't allow yourself to be taken advantage of. I'm saying this because I'm sure Mr. Lee Donghae would also agree with my words."

Vince Hong nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, Mr. Park, I'll carefully consider all your advice tonight so that I won't make any mistakes tomorrow."

"Very well, Mr. Vince. In that case, I'll take my leave now." Mr. Lawyer Park Song Hyun stood up, followed by Vince Hong and Hu Guo.

The two men shook hands and exchanged respectful bows before Mr. Lawyer Park Song Hyun exited Vince Hong's room.

After Mr. Lawyer Park Song Hyun had left, Vince Hong turned to Hu Guo, who was still standing nearby. "What do you think, Guo-gege (Brother Guo)?"