You Are The Reason

You Are The Reason

- Calum Scott –


"How are you both doing?"

"River wet the bed twice last night and gave me quite a bit of trouble. Maybe he's feeling restless like his mom."

"Eh?" Vince Hong was taken aback by Ruby's response. "Restless?"

"Of course." Ruby pouted. "Who wouldn't be restless if you're not here? Who wouldn't be anxious with you so far away? Even your son was fussier than usual last night. Maybe he knows his papa isn't close by." Ruby spoke with a playful, affectionate tone.

Vince Hong chuckled. "I'm sorry. Apologize to River for me, tell him his papa is fighting hard over here."

"You're not fighting for me and River," Ruby grumbled, pretending to be upset.

"Heh?" Vince Hong felt a pang of guilt.

"Forget it." Ruby quickly dropped the subject, replacing her annoyed expression with a sweet smile. "Don't forget to eat well, Vin. You'll need plenty of energy to deal with those prehistoric people."