Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm

Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm

- Crash Test Dummies -


"Huh!" Old Madam Lee immediately gave a contemptuous look to the Finance Director. "Only three of you! And how many employees does South Ocean have? Do they always have to use an interpreter like that girl if they want to speak to their boss?"

No one answered. Besides the fact that Old Madam Lee's words were spot on, they were also beginning to understand that the old woman strongly disliked being challenged. She was the type of person who was stubborn and hard-hearted. It seemed that no matter how good an answer they might give to Old Madam Lee, it would be in vain.

Outside, Vince Hong was arguing with Hu Guo.

"Brother Guo, I beg you to understand my situation," Vince Hong looked at Hu Guo with a desperate, helpless gaze.