Good for You

Good for You

- Selena Gomez -


"I want the Lee family, all of you, to treat Eva Lee kindly after this and accept her as a member of your family," Vince Hong's voice rang out clearly, reaching the ears of everyone present.

When Vince Hong's statement was relayed by the interpreter girl, the Lee family members exchanged glances once again, as if communicating telepathically.

"Very well," Old Madam Lee promptly responded to Vince Hong's words. She didn't need to think long about it.

What Vince Hong asked for wasn't troublesome for them. It didn't involve money and didn't endanger their lives.

So, the other Lee family members also nodded, following their mother's decision as the head of the Lee family. How could they dare to defy their mother who appeared so powerful?

The Lee family's agreement relieved Vince Hong's heart. Finally, he could do something for Eva Lee that would make his bride-to-be happy.