jimin pov

yoongi was too good to resist last night he was so hot i stayed wth him another day and fucked him again

-2 months later-

i started to feel nauseous i rushed to the bathroom then i took a pregnancy test no it can't be how will i tell him that i'm pregnant with his child i texted him he didn't believe me but then i sent him a photo of the test and we didn't know how we were going to tell our family about it jihyun came in and asked me what i was holding

jihyun: what are holding

i hid it behind me

me: uh nothing

jhyun: give me that

he took it from me shit i'm fucked

jihyun: you're pregnant

me: yeah

jihyun: who's the dad

me: yoongi

jihyun: duh why did i ask

i started craving spicy ramen so i went to the kitchen to make myself some then i went to my room to eat since i wanted to lay down it was almost midnight and i was feeling sick again it's just so lovely

-next day-

i woke up when my brother came in to give me breakfast it was sweet of him to do that after breakfast i went to the living room to watch some tv then my brother told me something that left me kinda confused