yoongi pov

when i told my parents i got jimin pregnant they went crazy and even started insulting me geum-jae and y/n tried to make them stop

eomma: you what?

me: yeah i got him pregnant

appa: that draws the line

me: i thought you accepted me

eomma: yeah but that's past the line

appa: yeah too far

then they even kick me out

geum-jae: if you're kicking him out we're going with him

y/n: yeah

eomma: min geum-jae

appa: min y/n

we were already out the door i called jimin to let him know we were moving in with him for a while when he asked why i just told him i'll explain everything once we get there

-30 minutes later-

we got there and went in since the door was already unlocked and i went to jimin room

jimin: what happened

me: my parents kicked me out because they thought getting you pregnant was crossing the line

jimin: that's a stupid reason to kick you out and why did y/n and geum-jae came with you

me: they said if i kicked out then they were coming with me

he stared at me

me: anyway how is my little and big baby

jimin: i'm not a big baby and we're fine but hungry

me: didn't you just eat right before i came