"Welcome back!". Said with one arm

"Thanks!". They added

"Oh, finally you are back! How was it".

"Fine!". Her friends helped her with her luggage.

"So, tell me… how was it".

"You've asked before… and I said fine".

"You know what we are talking".

"No, I don't". She got up from the bed. About to step out… bumped into Justin.

"Can't you see".


"What are you guys doing in my room?".

"We came to visit".

"Leave my room now… I hate intruders".

"Indeed! Catch you later Juliana". They said. Left the room

Unbuttons his shirt, staring at him…

"Why are you looking at me like that". Justin scolds


Next day, taking lectures. Rest her head on her desk

Reign of blood Inscribed on the walls of the school with blood. She woke up, her eyes full white. Blinked twice, normal. Shivers, looking at melody. When melody looked her direction… she turned away quickly.

"That's the plan". Fegrance said within melody

"What plan!".

Lunch break, just chilling, cracking jokes when a gently guy walked to their table. White dandelions in his hands

"Who is this joker?". Saucy said with

"Hi!". He said

"Saucy! His talking to you".

"Hi!". He said again

"Hi!". Sarcastically

"My name!".

"No one…".

"Be nice".

"Hush what is your name".


"Wow! Interesting name… what do you want stones". Harsh tone

"Mm… would you… be my vow". He stutters. Saucy just kept the face angry and confused

"I got this for you". Dropped the dandelion on the table. Still no responses

Remain for a while, everyone watching. She continued eating her food. By the time she finished, she got up, stared down at stones and walked away.

"Shit! She's nasty… I want that girl". Brantham said

"You still have a crush on her". Fredi asked Andy. No response, just staring at Saucy as she walked away

Barged in

"Saucy what was the meaning of that…. Why do you keep treating people like their nothing".

"Because they are".

"Now I know why life is unfair to you… because if it wasn't, you would be worse than Delancey". Meyan yells


"Every girl would be so happy".

"His not dead… you can go and say yes to him…. And collect his lame flower. Little reminder, am not every girl". She said walked away

"Yeah she's right".

"But she too uptight. She would chase everyone that comes her way, till they all stop coming".

"Meyan that is her problem". Melody added

"She's my friend and am looking out for her….".

"She can look out for herself...". Melody walked away

"What is wrong with her?".

"A lot of things". Anita added

Days past, more rejected proposals.

Walking down to class… "Mm excuse me!".

"Okay! What do you want?".

"I want you to help talk to your friend".

"What friend?".

"Saucy". Evans said scarlet laughed

"Sorry! But I can't".

"But why!".

"She would kill me… try someone else. What!". chuckled

"No way, no… I can't be your vow… bye". Rushed to class

"What took you so long".

"Some guy… wants Saucy to be his vow! Don't worry I told him he can't".


"He asked me".

"Oh! You have a vow now".

"No… I said no! gees I have taste". She added

"Interesting!". Lectures continues.

After class, Lottering around

"Two days to valentine, we don't have a date". Juliana complains

"You don't have one because you choose not to. What about Andrew".

"I said!".

"What! oh wow! So, we are all going to be single that date".

"Welcome to the single girl's association". Saucy said

"Juliana why did you say no". Mariana asked

"For obvious reasons! She wants to go out with her supreme crush". Saucy mocked her

"Don't laugh… you all are as stupid as she is". She added

Later that day, sitting alone. Walked up to her, Sat next to her. Turns around, shocked.

"Jesus… Christ! You startled me". Anita said

"Am sorry". Jackson added

"What are you thinking about".

"Nothing really".

"Mm I see! So who is your vow".

"Nobody!". Sad tone. Laughed at her

"Stop laughing, it's not funny".

"Then why are you sad? You rejected every guy that came for you".

"Because I don't like them".


"Jackson!". Behind them


"Mom wants you, now".

"Okay". Kissed her on her forehead… walked away.

Sigh, biting her fingers. From behind placed both hands on her eyes

"Who is it? Jackson, Pricilla, Meyan, Juliana. Okay I don't know who you are". Forcefully dragged his hand.

"Okay! Okay! Ouch… that hurts". JoJo said, sat next to her.

"What are you doing here… all alone".

"Not sleepy".

"You want to play game".

"No I want to stay here and think".

"Think about what?".

"Nothing really".

"Very funny… come on, let's walk". Forced her to stand

"Come on".

Walking round school, for hours…

"Okay! Okay am tired". She said sat on the ground

"Are you serious, stop being lazy".

"Great job… am very tired now… I want to sleep".

"Okay… Anita before you go… I want to ask you something".

"Go ahead!".

"Would you be my vow?".

…Bereft of words, quick rethink

"Yes I will". Hugged each other

Next day, laughing at each other

"That's very silly".

"Anita!". Barged in

"I want to talk to you".

"Okay am all ears".

"Would you be my vow". Richard asked

"Oopsy! Someone spills the bins".

"She can't, why because JoJo already asked and she said yes". Saucy teased

Back to herself

"Am sorry no! good night". Pecked him and rushed to her room"

"Weird… okay". Went his way

Rushed to her room, smiled at Richard

"Can't wait for tomorrow". Entered her bed, smooshing her pillows.

Next morning… hanging around

"Tomorrow is the D-day". Nina said

"No tomorrow is the V-day".

"Please keep quiet. Tomorrow is the L-day".

"And now you think you have sense". Saucy said, hissed

Boys walked in

"So, you rejected the only guy that came for you". Richard said

"Are you talking to me". Saucy said

"All of you. You did same thing". Richard added

"So!". Juliana said

"I have a question to ask…. Why did you say no to Andrew".

"She aspiring for something bigger".

"And that's!".

"Her eternal!".

"Saucy!". They yelled


"Okay… keep aspiring".

"Or keep being stupid". Richard added

"You would all be single".

"It's not like you are any different".

"Who said that". Door opens… 17 sexy models walked in… holding each of them and then a kiss… to add salt in the wound

"Shit!". Aso said

Mariana's room

"I can't believe what just happened". Said unison

"What that… that tomorrow is their birthday. And they don't want to spend it with bunches of idiots". Saucy said

"You are so mean".

"Oh yes I am!".

"There is no need to be sad…. Just be like me, be Saucy. For once, in your life… Jesus…. Christ. We would be the only single 17…. Tomorrows valentine party… we are going to rock it okay… be happy. Don't let some confused fellow… who don't know left from right, sex perverts. Ruin your day".


Entered her room long stare at Andy and his date, sitted on his legs. Shaked her head, looked elsewhere.

"Is she okay?".

"Don't know".

Retired to bed…

"What do you think you are doing?".

"Sleeping! That question is meant for only the blind".

"I taught you are here for a day".

"So!". She said with so much audacity. Saucy moved closer to them, pulled Brinley's arm. Dragged her from the bed

"Ouch let go… you're hurting me". she said struggling to get free from Saucy's tight grip

"What is the meaning of this?".

"Nonsense! Right. Well, I don't want to be hearing screams and silly moans from you two… while I try to get my beauty rest. So, she's sleeping on my bed". Dragged her to her bed, forced her to sit.

"Ouch! My arm". She yelled looking at Andy.

"Fine". Slept comfortably

"If her doesn't pay me, am going to kill you". Brinley said angrily

…. Long stare, covered herself. Joined her too

Early hours…. Birthday surprised in their own style…. Much to talk about, much to laugh about. blessed new age, now back to bed.

6am, about to enter his bathroom

"What do you think you are doing?". Saucy asked

"What kind of stupid question is that". Brinley's reaction

"Am going to bath".

"The bathroom is this way". She added

Sigh, frowned as she walked up to Saucy


"Why are you being a pest in my life". She yells. Saucy grabbed her hands. Entered the bathroom.

"One night stand".

"So! Am proud of my job. Are you a lesbian?". Suspicious look

"No!". incredulous stare

"You! not a lesbian. You must think am stupid. I have sex with men… not girls". She yells. Took her clothes off.

"You are sick". saucy said. Turn the shower on, while Brinley was in the jacuzzi.

Long shower, came out the same time. Hand drying his hair, towel round his neck

"See what you made me miss". Brinley looked at Saucy angrily. Went to Andy and kissed him… trying to make her jealous.

"Ridiculous". Rolled her eyes

All set for the valentine/birthday party. Walked down to the party. Lovely atmosphere

"Lovely outfit".

"Thank you!".

"Where is melody?". Anita asked

"Am right here".

"What happened to the outfit I made for you". Meyan said in a sad tone

"It's in a better place". She said, walked away

"Is she okay?".

"I don't know".

Sitted alone, aside from everyone, sad look on. Zyron appeared

"Why ain't you dancing like everyone else?".

"Maybe it's because I don't have a date… or this is going to be the worst v-party".

"Don't worry… nothing would happen, but I have an update for you". whispered within

"What!". she nodded and disappeared

Walking to where the boys where, guards blocked her path

"Let me through". She said, struggling to pass

"Am sorry ma'am you can't going in". They pushed her back


"Restricted area. Only VIPS'". They said

"So, what am i?".

"Asking the obvious question". Gaynor and her friends passed freely

"And what's the obvious question".

"You are a VAP". Another set of ex's

Anita walked away in shame.

Bumped into melody


"What are you thinking about?".

"Nothing!". Walked away

"Definitely something".

"Best valentine party ever". Said unison as they retired back to their room

"Anita are you okay".

"She has to process a lot before tomorrow… right Anita". Big smile… placed her hand on her shoulder and walked away.

"What is she talking about?". left them with no answer.

Spent on night wondering, couldn't catch some sleep. Terrible nightmares. Blurry vision, one voice, one word "bloody reign".

Scream, wake up. Pacing

"Are you okay". Richard asked

"Am fine".

"You sure".

"Ye!". Eye patch back on, continue sleeping.

Sitted calmly on her bed, noticed something, looked outside… hide immediately. Curious Anita, got up… walking towards the window. Saw nothing, still looking, felt something behind her, turn around… saw nothing.

"Someone is here". She said within. Slowly walked to her bed. Sat on her bed. Looked around for a while.

"Why do I feel like someone is here?". She said, covering herself with her duvet. Closed her eyes

Came out from underneath her bed… touched her face. 😈