Taking lectures, At the same time gossiping. While Anita was looking so pale. Melody feeling so fulfilled.

Lunch break, a student stepped out of the class. Loud scream, mummed when they heard. Pushed back in, broken in pieces. Confused looked. Slowly looked upward. Bloody writings, inscribe word on the wall.

I've found you

And blood would flow

"My dream! My dream!". Stared at the wall continuously. Friends noticed her state

"Anita are you okay". They moved closer. Zyron entered her

"This is not the time to be surprised.... It's time for redemption". She whispered within

"Where is melody?".

"Mel....". looking around, couldn't find her

"Where did she go?". They asked their selves

About to step out, held her hands

"Where do you think, you are going to? No one leaves this class room. You saw what happened to that girl. She's dead... you are not leaving". Saucy snaps

"I have to go". She said within

Appeared at minderburg high. Weird laughter

"What's going on... why are we?". Mena sense trouble. They could all find their selves in school. Try to walk out... there was a boundary.

"We are trapped!". She spoke. Several cut on her back

"Ouch!". Fell on her knees, tegrance appeared in front of her

"Tegrance!". They echoed

"Am back bitches". Kicked Mena's head so hard. Fell on the ground, bleeding.

"Don't harm any one

"Too late! One weak mortal is dead". She disappeared

"Mena are you okay". Helped her up

"Am not fine". She yells

"One of my students is dead.... Tegrance is back, how is she back".

"Mena you have to be calm". Elena said. Incredulous laughter

"Calm down... how am I supposed to calm down. They are thousands of helpless people that she would find pleasure in killing... how many can you bring back to life... you're a weak god. Zyron is dead.7rings are gone... there's nothing none of us can do... not you revenge... not you".

"I don't believe you... because we are not going to allow them win. We have to find a way to get out of here". Elena said. Pep talk continues, Mena stared into space

"We can't mom! Mena why ain't you saying anything". Havana asked

Blinked severally... looked at them

"Now I get it.... They brought us back here because they want the books.... And the books are here". Mena said

"Oh my God! What are we going to do".

"I don't know". Mena said

"Why are we here?". Confused

While everyone run helter-skelter, trying not to get killed... some still weren't fast enough... and they got swallowed up, by the shadow of death.

Rushed inside the elevator

"Is this the end of my life God". Aspen cried out

"I can't believe the story we heard where true... fegrance, tegrance... terror. She's going to keep killing until she gets what she wants". Delancey said within.

Stayed quietly in the elevator, hoping that was the safest spot.... And that it never opens. They were 10 students, struggling for breath and life in that elevator.

"Okay everyone be calm... no one would find us here". Thea said

"Sqwelp! Shunk! Plorkk!". Blood gushing out from her mouth, fell on the ground. Tegrance standing in front of them, dropping blood from her knife. They screamed so loud as she cut as many. Delancey continually press buttons until the elevator opens... she rushed out, before tegrance blade could pierce her skin.

Stepped over dead bodies... following Delancey. While she ran out of direction. Tegrance walked with easy. Saw the boys. Rushed to them. Hide behind Justin, fidgeting seriously.

Tegrance came closer, looked Justin eye to eye, but couldn't do anything, she disappeared.

They all heaved a big sigh of relief

"She killed everybody in the elevator". Crying bitterly

"It's okay".

"Why didn't she try to harm you". Mariana asked

"Because she can't". the boys said unison

"What do you think she want". Delancey asked

"Those books".

"They are here... you know where they are".

"Yes! Why".

"Because if we can find it... we would keep it safe... before she gets her hands on them".

"You're right! She must have trapped mom... that's why they are not here". They added. In a hurry to start their search

"Wait! Anita is missing... can we split?". Pricilla added

"Fine!". They agreed. Jackson and 7 others followed Pricilla, Mariana, Meyan, Juliana and 3 others to find Anita, while the rest went for the book.

In between the walls of the school, lies what fegrance is dying to get her hands on...

"Are you sure this is the place". Anita said to Zyron inside her

"Just keep going". She spoke

Moving further.... Walls open its self

"Is that".

"Yes!". About to step foot in the room when tegrance appeared in front of her.

"Not so fast... pretty girls.... You're not getting your hands on that book". Tegrance said moving closed to Anita. As she speaks the environment became unbearable for Anita to breath. Slowly losing herself, her sight. Fall to the ground, she couldn't see the book, nor tegrance.

Next thing... gathered in the same place with all the immortal. Where fegrance, melody and tegrance unveiled themselves. The books in their hands. Melody had one, fegrance had one and tegrance, one.

Dramatic entrance, cut short. Weird laughter. Mena fuming seriously. Everyone stared at them in disbelief. Rushed to Anita. Lying on the ground helplessly. Gain consciousness slowly. Groan in pain. Helped her up.



"Melody". Became clearer. Melody grinned and smirked at Anita

"I can't believe that she's working for them". Scarlet said fuming

"Oh Mena". Moving closer to Mena, touch her face with her nails. Weird laughter

"I told you that I would always get what I want... and now. Ohh Mena! You did your best... you really did". Big smile

"I hate you fegrance".

"And I hate you even more". She laughed louder

Went back to tegrance and melody

"Wait!". Anita said out loud

"Uhh what the hell do you want". Fegrance said

"Let melody go! You've used her enough, please".

"Uhh! How foolish. You want your friend back don't you...". she laughs

"Please! Please... you've killed everyone we love just left melody go".

"Awnnn! how adorable". Snap of her finger melody fell unconscious.

They rushed to her

"Water!". Sprinkled water on her face. Gain consciousness

"What happen!".

"You were riding on the villain's boat

"Why are you being nice". Barbara said with tears

"You want to know".

"Why did you just kill her after using her... why! Why mother? It's not like you love anyone, just yourself and yourself alone".

"How dare you? is this how you talk to your mother".

"You are a curse... in my life, fegrance. After using my father, you killed him. After you showed your ugly face, my children died, days afterwards". Barbara said crying seriously. Fegrance outburst laughter made everyone confused

Continued laughing as she disappeared alongside tegrance

"Are you okay!". Mena asked melody

"Am fine"

"Okay". Quick smile wiped her tears as she moves further

"Its okay Mena!".

"It's fine! It is".

Transformation of the school change as their magic wore out... seeing dead bodies of so many students. Shedding tears

"What are we going to do about all this people that are dead". Mena said

"What are we going to tell their parents". Burst into tears

Havana hugged her

"Let mom handle it... she will". She added

Back to the camp site, sitted calmly as they got results of how the students respond to treatment, quick recovery. Elena use magic to bring many back to life while some sustain injuries which was also healed with magic. Leaving no trace.

"How are they". She asked so concerned

"They are all fine, but one student didn't make it".

"What... what am I going to tell her parents... what".

"Am sorry I could fine her body part... so". Elena said

"She was the first victim and her classmate said immediately she stepped out, tegrance attack and she exploded". Elena elaborates further while Mena just lost her sanity, just acting dumb. Finding everything hard.

Days pass... warm environment. Students prepared for examination. Mena's condition worsting as she refuses to eat, talk to anyone, or be talked to. Just lost in thought and confusion, fear and disappointment.

"Mena! This is not good for you. you are stronger than this. We have to strategies Mena. We have to find a way to get those books back... before fegrance see the contents. Mena! Say something Mena". Havana persuade Mena.

"Come on". Pulled Mena's arm and jiggled her

Steps out of the room

"How is she?". They asked

"Not fine".

Juliana entered the room

"Don't go there". They scold her, but she went anyway.


"Hi!". Cold voice. Juliana with a smiley 😊face

"Are you hungry... scrap that! Here have some". Trying to feed Mena. She shacked her head for disapproval

"Come on!". Pouting. Smiled back. Held the spoon and feed herself. Then Juliana claps. Mena chuckled calmly. Continued feeding her until she got tried.

"Am tired".

"Just one spoon please... fine then I would eat it". Drew her food closer and devoured everything. Mena just kept smiling at her

"Silly girls... you plead once and you gave up". Mena teased her

"Well, I don't share my food, am just doing this to cheer you up".

"Awn!". Cupped her cheek

"Everyone is worried about you. You can never turn the hands of time. It just how you correct your mistakes that really matters. So, are you going to remain a cry baby while fegrance celebrated. Or you are going to give her the taste of her own medicine. Try the bad way... you would see, it would work. Just don't be too hard on yourself. My friends always say... Juliana, you're the smartest kid in school and also the dumbest. I laugh, I do things my way... and it works, for me... I guess". Quick

"Such a sweet soul". Smiled back

Loud scream, fegrance appeared with all three books in her hand, fuming seriously. Her eyes were red, her claws were very long, skin shrinking as the anger increase. Mena and Juliana stepped out. Everyone came closer.

...Threw the book at Mena.

"What is the meaning of this fegrance... why".

"They are fake". She said angrily, pierced her claws in Mena's skin

"And I know you where aware". Mena laughed

"How foolish fegrance... how foolish... well, too bad that am always a step ahead". This statement made everyone confused. The confident she showed proves that she knew all along. But her emotional state was diver stating.

"I would never give up Mena I would get what I want... and I don't care if it takes me a thousand century. I would keep fighting". She disappeared in range

Yelped...bent down to take a look at the books... and it was indeed fake

"Mena what is going on?". They rushed to her. She got up

"It fake".

"I know... this is superb Mena! Your acting, everything. Why... what's wrong". Saw confusion in her eyes.

"Mena... what is it?".

"If the books are fake... where are the real once".

"With you".

"No, they're not with me... I only want fegrance off for now.... I didn't want her to know... so she doesn't go searching".

"Mena! What are you talking about".

"The books are not with me... I don't have any, not even one... one!".

"Oh my God! What are we going to do".

"I don't know".

Confused stare....

Retired to their rooms

"What is going on? First, we found out witches exist and some stupid books are missing. What is even writing there".

"Don't know, but the content would be valuable". Saucy added. They continued their conversation, and Anita was quiet all through.

"Anita why ain't you saying anything". Attention on her

"Am just thinking".

"Leave the thinking to them". Mariana added

Now time to call it a term. Months of wondering in the dark, after previous crises. Finally done with their examination. Set to go back home. Parking their luggages

"Finally...the term is over".

"Yeah! We've come a long way". They said to their selves

"Delancey where are you going to?". Sonia asked

"Am coming okay! Go without me. I need to do something really quick". She spoke

"Hey DMC". She said sat next to Juliana

"What a pleasant surprise. What do you want".

"Just want to confirm... that you and your amateurs' friends can keep a secret".

"What secret".

"The secret off the school being an illusion".

"Illusion you say".

"I just want to be sure that I... point of correction, we... can trust you".

"Sure! Sure, you can trust us".

"Good!". Getting up they held her back

"Ehew!". Dragged her hands back


"Don't forget your place... what the hell do you want". She yells

"You said something about the school being an illusion".

"So, you are interested in knowing the story".

"Yeah Mr. Dunne hasn't come to get us".

"Hmm! Your boy toy! Anyway, if you must know, this school is an illusion, it's not real. The building and everything in it. That why you see it has so many exit... it creates itself. It magical. The crises started 3years after the boys were born... then Richard had an exchange with fegrance. So, they are connected somehow. Mena lost herself and strength when she lost zyron. she was supposed to be the protector. Since Zyron and 7rings are gone...actually Elena, which is revenge

"What kind of name is that".

"When you see her, you ask her. Back to my story. Elena is supposed to be the protector, but she's been... I don't know. The family tree.

Past zyrons [dead]


Birthed Elena [Revenge]:

"Don't get me wrong 7rings, they are actually 7 in number. They combine their powers to form a fetus". She continued her drawings

The last Zyron


"Okay I would pause here. Zyron was considered last, because she was a stronger god, compared to the rest zyrons. She was alpha, amongst her kin's. And... fegrance has been existing all this while. She an ancient witch. She was friends with 7rings. But her quest for power turned her evil. This is not the first time she has gotten her hands on those book".

"Sorry to cut you short. What book?". They asked

"The books of witches, knowledge and Zyron".

"Zyron has a book". Their reaction

"Yes! She's a strong god. Back to my story. When she tasted power... she made her own empire. She was able to use many spells. Till they was a great war between 7rings, Zyrons and the rest immortal and just fegrance. She realized that she couldn't defeat them. So, she used magic to make an army of her own. If you've been trapped you would see them. They are monster, very ugly. But she didn't win the battle, she lost and the books was retrieved. Fegrance just went black-out. Then she came back and strike. Zyrons are raised by trolls, not mother and father having sex to conceive, no. they are hatched, like a bird. And then raised by trolls. So fegracne came back, I think she got her hands on some spells from Zyron's book. So, she wiped all of them with no remainder, alongside their troll mothers. Zyron was the only one that didn't die, that how she got the name... Zyron. they are not all named Zyron, they have different names. Fegrance went black-out again". She continued drawing

Elena: Havana, Bablin and Stella

Zyron: Mena

"So, this is the story for this set. Zyron and Elena grew together. Same school, stuffs like that. Zyron is a god, so she believes she should get married, because....". watched closely before she said this. "Elena's husband is actually mated to Zyron, but Elena had a crush on him. Being that Zyron don't even like the guy, she pushed him off to her best friend. And Elena quickly grabbed the opportunity. We call her the opportunist. So, Elena gave birth to Havana. Richard's mother. Bablin gave birth to jarad, while the other twin Stella, lost her kids. Anyway, Zyron adopted Mena. Since her parents had many kid... couldn't take care of Mena so she adopted her. She brought her home and raised her as her child, but her parents came visiting some time. Another trouble came up because Mena wasn't an immortal, just like me. So, they had to this ritual stuff. And Mena did hers perfectly, so she was gifted with the powers she has now. While Havana was 'Raven'. So, if you are to rate her powers, Mena is stronger. Elena had issues with Zyron, while Mena with Havana. They fought, no one won and they separated. But they settled theirselve initially. Fegrance came back, but Mena became stronger... she stopped her. But one thing about fegrance is that she never gives up, she keeps coming and coming. Trust me she would be back.

"Ain't, you drawing again".

"Am done, the tree is broken, everything. So am done with my story.... See you bitches next term". She walked away.

"She's not so bad". Juliana added. Looking at each other quietly.

Turned around. "Mr. Dunne". They rushed to him and hugged him, except Saucy

"Look at you". He said with a smile

"Awn, lovely family". Mena chuckles

"Good day... we... have to be going now".

"Sure! Have a nice holiday". She said in distress

Driving home

"This place is new". Juliana said, looking out the window

"Yeah! Just enjoy the ride". He spoke.