Chapter 23: Auditions

Frances operated the training that night like normal. Stephen, on the other hand, reverted back to his individual character performance practices. He was very focused on the upcoming audition. She noticed this and had mixed feelings about what he was doing. The training completed and Frances made sure to chat with Stephen immediately after.

"Hey, why were you practicing those?" asked Frances.

"Umm, why wouldn't I be?" asked Stephen.

"Because, remember we won that dance off award. He's wanting us to both audition together. You stick with the character that you've been practicing and I'll take the main female lead, okay?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

"Alright, so we should start practicing solo for a bit beforehand. Just remember that while our characters end up together, doesn't mean that's what we're going for while practicing."

"Yes, I get what you're going for here. I at least owe you this assistance."