Chapter 24: Broadway Tour

The Director had been getting everyone ready to head out on their Broadway Tour. Stephen and Frances were vastly excited. Charlotte and Travis, on the other hand, were not. They couldn't believe that the two became the understudies for their roles. Travis and Charlotte couldn't stand the idea.

The tour was going to be very spread out across the country. The plan was to head west, then down south, and finally go back up north. The first of the locations was to be Pittsburg Pennsylvania. They were to depart the following morning. Stephen was at home with Demetri and Drew.

"Alright, tonight's your last night," said Demetri.

"Umm, you sure that you're not referring to yourself," joked Stephen.

"Wow dude just wow," said Demetri.

"What a nice way to be saying your goodbyes you guys," said Drew.

Demetri and Stephen both gave Drew a dirty look.

"Wow, we can't mess with each other?" asked Stephen.