Ultimate skills!

*First person*

I opened my eyes to find myself resting on the ground, I must have fallen asleep after waiting for so long for them to come back.

The females who locked me in here haven't even shown up once to check on me, who knows how long I've been here, two, three, seven hours, or maybe a whole day?

I sighed, I could feel my body freezing up from the chill breeze that was passing through the window.

I came in contact with this world during nighttime, so I wasn't sure if this was even the sunny season or not, but I also know it wasn't this cold before.

I rested my head on the wall while looking at the open window." It's so cold, geez at least give me a blanket, I don't want to freeze to death" I muttered.


"It's that voice again?" I questioned, the cold I was feeling was suddenly gone but now that only made the air feel warmer.

"Perfect, now I'm hot… Can you make the heat go away too?" I asked, rolling my eyes, expecting to hear the voice.


"Damn!" I was shocked, and even though it all seemed strange to me, I couldn't help but feel excited.

"Voice, do you have a name?" I asked.


"I should give you a name." I said, racking my brain as I struggled to come up with one, but that seemed more difficult than expected.

it must have been from the hunger I was feeling, I felt dumber than the time I took a pop-up test in class.

Before I knew it, I had already given up and was now asking a different question.

"How am I able to obtain these skills?" I asked.


"I see… How many of these skills do I have?"

Unique skill Analysis: I am the Unique skill Analysis, an artificial magical core, I reside In the host's body and maintain everything needed to be overseen.

Unique skill Consume grants the host the ability to absorb Mana from a magic source and if enough Mana is drowned, host will be able to make a replica of the magic.

And the Unique skill Wisher

Host also obtained these skills after using Conceal on the Grin reaper.

Dark mist: Gives the host the ability to dematerialize himself so long as he has Mana to sustain the form.

Imprison: Grants host the power to suck anything into your special void and trap it there.

Perception: Grants host the ability to track, sense magic, and other skills (Magic sense) that can be used to track>>

'I have three unique skills, isn't that a little too op?' I thought to myself, from what the monotonous voice was saying, it seemed like I gained the extra skill after defeating the grim reaper guy,

"Show me how to use these skills, starting with consume or what was it?".



I looked to my left to see a green parasite crawling on the wall. It had red marks on its back but was also very small.

"You want me to kill that?" I asked, I didn't think there was any mana to take from the small creature.



"Is that a fact?" I was certainly intrigued, I crawled over to the parasite and stretched out my arm but there was only so far I could go with the chains on my hands.

"Here goes, Consume!" A bright light shone on my hands and I could see the red threads form at the tips of my finger.

I gulped down my spit as I felt the rush of power flowing through my finger like I was having a huge rush of blood in my hand.

I slowly moved my finger forward and made contact with the smile, the threads networked toward the slime and began to cover its body.

I watched as the slime fell to the ground after having its Mana sucked from its body by the glowing threads.

"It worked!" I smiled, feeling amazed, the slime that I had just used my skill on had recovered its Mana so fast and was now heading toward the window, probably to escape from me.




I was speechless, she got everything to the last letter, I wondered how she knew I would possess those skills but I didn't feel the need to ask.

"Sure…" I gave my response.

"Escaping is one thing, but I don't even know where I am"

"I see… that means, it's not even a village?" I thought to myself.

"What about the women? I mean they should belong somewhere, right?" I asked.

"There are gods here?"

I suddenly sensed someone walking toward the prison room, it must be my skill working, the sound of the steps tells me they were about three heading over.

Three women entered the prison room and walked over to my cell. The lady standing in the middle had long black hair and was holding a rather mysterious spear.

She looked at me for a while and her eyes were definitely filled with disgust.

"Release him from his cell, be sure to get rough if he struggles".

The lady said before turning away, the two women standing beside her walked over to my cell and pulled me out.

I knew something was about to go down, and I would be lying if I said I didn't want to test my skills out if a fight were to break out.

. . . . . .

*Third person*

The woman pulled Sato onto the ground while entering the palace, looking around he could see women looking at him with hatred in their eyes.

'Why are they all looking at me like I'm some monster… oh yh…,' Sato quickly remembered why he was imprisoned in the first place.

The woman pushed him to his knees, before walking away, he was kneeling in front of Bemihime, the leader of the Valkyries.

Benihime looked down at Sato as she sat on her throne, "Why have you infritared my village… Demon?" She asked.

Sato glared at her, taking a deep breath before he spoke, "Listen, I don't know why you are calling me a demon but I'm not." He replied with a calm voice.

"Is that so?" Benihime rested her jaw on her hand, and her red glowing eyes were spreading fear inside Sato.

"She's so scary." Sato muttered before he began to crawl back slowly.


The fear Sato was feeling suddenly vanished and he was back to his normal self." That was magic" He muttered.

'Okay then, I'll play their game,' Sato grinned before standing to his feet.

"Hey! Don't you dare make a move!" Isla yelled, she pulled out her sword and aimed it at Sato's neck.

But that didn't phase him, his eyes were still fixed on Benihime, "What do you wanna know? I'll answer whatever you ask, pinky promise".