A Ghost in a Vampire's mist

The man in the black cloak spread his arms separately as he stared down at the gathered vampires while he stood on a rock.

"Let me introduce myself, I believe most of you don't know who I am… my name is Gudan, the leading member of the council, representative of the Ghost race". The man introduced, "You are honoured to have me stand in your presence".

The whole crowd gasped in shock, moving away from the man while placing their hands on their weapons.

Elena who was still hiding and spying on them was also shocked when she heard what the man said.

'A ghost? What is a ghost doing with the vampires?' She questioned.

One of the vampires in the crowd walked forward with his sword aimed at the cloaked man from afar.

He had red hair with a galax haircut that was complimented with a smooth and long pathing at the side.

Standing brave he uttered, "You've got some nerve coming here with no backup, reveal your face".