The Slime's defensive line


The Celi slime articulated as it hopped past the garden and headed toward the exit of the resident.

"Sister, are you sure this.. thing knows where it's headed?" Shuna asked, walking behind her two sisters who were following the green slime.

After the mermaids, Shuna, Luna, and Xianxia evolved into water goddesses, some traits they once had changed.

Shuna, the second sister and the goddess of the gale, evolved into having white long hair and a slightly larger bust accompanied with an alluring figure.

Her younger sister, Luna the goddess of the sea, had long blue hair and a sexy figure with a small sea shell that she used as accessories on her hair.

The eldest sister, Xanxia, the goddess of the moon, had short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a more mature facial figure which was covered with a black transparent veil.