Damn you, Kuranashi!

"W…where am I?"

Opening her eyes slowly as the bright light of the heavens shines on her. 

"Am I?"

The scenery of a woman wearing a red dress and a dark veil covering her face stood in her foresight.


Divanchi yelled, jerking up from the ground where she was lying. Glancing around her, she could see she was no longer in the cave where she wanted to reprieve Elena.

Where she was, had floating islands, and statues of giant Phoenix arranged in every area of the residents.

'What's going on here?' Divanchi thought to herself in confusion. She looked down at her hand and noticed the size was smaller than usual.

Curiosity got the better of her, so she looked to her left, at the stainless cup resting on the floor where she had just stood up from.

Darting at her reflection, Divanchi's eyes broadened in shock when she saw that she was in the body of a little girl, her younger self to be exact.