Do with me as you please <<R18>>

Their chatter held on til the sun began to set.

The realm of the gods has its night time once a couple of weeks due to certain events that happened in the past.

Diphram stood up from the ground, "I must be going now, I had no idea time flew so fast when conversing with someone." He uttered.

"Are you saying you haven't spoken with an individual before?" The woman asked with her back laid down on the ground.

"Not in the same sense I did with you." Diphram responded, his eyes peeking at the woman's exposed thighs.

He immediately looked away, trying to fight the yearning to hold her close in his arms.

"I should be going now." Diphram uttered as he slowly began to walk away.

"Traveling at nighttime is not wise, you know." The woman voiced out.

Diphram discontinued his movement as soon as he heard the woman's voice.

"Why not spend the night here, and tomorrow I'll take you to where Aphrodite resides".