How not to win a duel.

Sato stood in the arena with Benihime standing a few feet away from him. All around the arena were valkyries and beast people who came to watch.

'How did I let it come to this?' Sato thought to himself, eyeing as Benihime grabbed her sword from Isla.

Sato was forced into a duel with Benihime to see if he was worthy enough to be her husband, according to Isla's words, and so the duel took place.

"Are you ready?" Benihime voiced out before pulling out her sword from the sheath.

Sato sighed, 'How were they even able to gather this many people in a short time.' He muttered.

A black sword formed in his hands before he took a fighting stance.

"Remember, it's a sword fight, no magic." Benihime informed.

''Yeah, I know that." Sato responded with his sword resting on his shoulder, 'I should hold back, I wouldn't want…'.


In the blink of an eye, Benihime already arrived in front of him and landed a fast swing of her sword.