The Soul Snatcher.

Glancing at Benihime, Jira asked, "I could have sworn I heard you identify yourself with two names, is that something accustomed to your homeland?".

"You don't have a surname?" Benihime raised her own question.

"I'm not sure I know what that means, but if it makes you feel any better, you have a lovely name." Jira complemented with a flirtatious smile on his face.

"Sire! We are done disposing of the body." A demon soldier reported with his head bowed.

"Very, good, ready the horses, let's head back to Fiona," Jira said before excusing himself away from the ladies.

Benihime and Lilith both watched as Jira walked away with 5 soldiers following behind him.

She sighed and released her grip on her sword, "That was way too close." Benihime muttered.

"What do you mean, Milady, the prince is quite the gentleman if you ask me." Lilith expressed, her eyes gleaming as if she had fallen in love.