Royal Selection VI: The second battle

Jira spectated the whole fight between Sato and Jimmy and was feeling irritated at the results.

His eyes rolled over to Vlad and was even more annoyed at the excited expression Vlad had on his face.

With his fist resting under his jaw, Vlad whispered to Lilith who was seated beside him, "Did you do everything as asked you to?".

Lilith replied, "Sorry, not yet… she is being heavily guarded." She looked at the Erza and saw the three mermaids beside her.

"Are those her new bodyguards?" Jira asked, keeping his eyes on the fight happening on the template.

"Appears so, but not to worry, I already sent Lit and darkness to carry the task, I'm sure it will be done soon." Lilith reassured.

"Better, do not disappoint me." Jira voiced out, glancing at Vlad again who in turn stared back at him.

Vlad sighed once Jira shifted his attention away from him; looking at Erza, he issued to Erza,"Do not get up from this place for no reason".