The story of the Successor II

"Your name is Izanami?" The man asked.

"You doubt me?" Izanami questioned back.

The man glanced at his students before he looked back at her, "No, there's no problem, so, my name is Hunter, so, what? is it you want?" Hunter left his students and moved closer to her.

Izanami peeked at the river with her hands behind her back, "What are those?" She raised another question as she strolled toward the group of students.

"May I see?" She asked one of the male students, using her hand to pack her hair behind her ears with her back leaned forward.

The male student immediately handed her his fishing rod, with a flustered look on his face.

"Thank you." Izanami took the rod from the male and began analyzing it with her eyes, "This is quite impressive, and you use this to catch the fish in the sea?" She asked the male student. 

"Y-Yes mam." The male student stammered, causing his colleagues to laugh at him.