The Witch's first pain.

"Soldiers, do not engage!" General Sharma's authoritative voice boomed across the field as he rode on his horse towards the front line to assess the situation.

As he reached the front, his sharp eyes caught sight of the lifeless, severed bodies of his men lying in a gruesome pool of blood. The sight shook him to his core, and his face twisted with a mix of horror and anger.

Sharma dismounted his horse and directed his gaze towards Yuri, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. 

As he observed the solitary figure of the young woman standing before him, he couldn't help but wonder why she was the only soldier sent to intercept them. Her appearance certainly did not fit the bill of a typical soldier.

Suppressing his doubts, Sharma composed himself and addressed the young woman with a question, "Excuse me, but are you my enemy?"