Protect the goblins

*A small village inside the witches forest*

Nestled deep within the dense and mysterious Witches Forest, there lay a humble village, built by a hardworking community of forest goblins. 

Though small in size, the village had managed to establish a thriving existence, sustaining themselves through a combination of farming, hunting, and gathering.

The village was surrounded by towering trees, their branches intertwined to create a natural canopy that filtered the sunlight, casting a dappled pattern on the village grounds. 

The air was thick with the scent of pine and earth, and the sounds of wildlife could be heard in the distance.

"Chief! Chief!" A frantic forest goblin called out, sprinting through the small village of crudely built huts and shacks nestled within the dark and ominous witches' forest. The other goblins halted in their daily activities, turning to watch the commotion.