Warthniq retreats.

Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, Eri, the healer of the Kingdom of Warthniq, made her way to Shinya's location. She saw him lying amidst broken rocks, battered and wounded, and fear gripped her heart. 

As she approached him, she saw Ava and Terafona, the two witches, engrossed in the battle and unaware of her presence. 

"Shinya," Eri called out, kneeling down beside him. "You have to get up. You can't die here."

Shinya stirred, barely conscious, and managed to utter, "Eri, is that you?".

"Yes, it's me," Eri replied, relief washing over her. "Don't worry, I'm here to heal you. Just hold on a little longer."

With a sense of urgency, Eri began to channel her healing magic into Shinya, closing his wounds and restoring his strength. 

She could feel the magic flowing out of her, and her heart raced with the intensity of the battle raging around them.