From Reapers to Soul Hunters.

Yuri held Sato protectively in her arms, casting a fierce gaze at the witches gathered in the room. 

"I ask that you show more respect to my master and refrain from dragging him into your meaningless banters," She scolded, her voice laced with authority.

Ava shifted uncomfortably and muttered under her breath, "Shut up already."

Yuri's eyes narrowed as she turned her attention to Ava. "Excuse me?" She asked, her tone sharp and unyielding.

Ava recoiled, unable to meet Yuri's unwavering gaze. "I...I didn't mean anything by it," She stammered.

Yuri's expression softened slightly, but her voice remained stern. "My master has not yet recovered his magic as you can see." She said, hinting at Sato's small child-like body, "Show some consideration at least".

Sato suddenly let out a nervous laugh, "Yuri, let's go, that's enough." He said.

"Very well," Yuri responded, striding towards the wall and in an instant, disappeared into thin air.