Welcome the goddess allicance.

Sato landed gracefully, his feet touching the ground with a gentle elegance, holding the goddess of Trinity, Nima, in his arms. Nima possessed flowing pink hair that cascaded down to her shoulders, complementing her ethereal beauty and delicate figure. With utmost care, Sato gently placed her on the floor, his eyes filled with a hint of weariness.

As he exhaled a sigh, his gaze shifted upwards, catching sight of Afrina waving at him from a distance. Resolute determination filled Sato's expression as he spoke, his voice carrying a hint of command.

"Once she wakes, you know what to do," Sato instructed, his back turned to Afrina as he swiftly soared into the sky to retrieve the last remaining goddess.

Afrina, wearing a smile on her face, approached the spot where Nima lay and leaned in, delicately using her fingers to gently poke Nima's cheeks. With a teasing tone in her voice, she urged the unconscious goddess to awaken.