The Resistance

"And so, on this momentous and propitious day," Vlad's resonant voice reverberated through the air, carrying the weight of the occasion. With unwavering poise, he held the gleaming crown aloft, its golden radiance casting a majestic glow upon the assembly. The townspeople gathered, their breaths held in anticipation, as the words hung in the air, pregnant with significance.

"Do you, Sato Inugami," Vlad continued, his voice a steady cadence, "solemnly swear to guide and protect this esteemed town with unwavering honesty, resolute diligence, and steadfast commitment?"

Sato's gaze shifted momentarily, his eyes meeting Erza's as she sat in the exalted VIP area. A silent exchange passed between them, an unspoken understanding that forged a connection stronger than words. In that fleeting moment, Erza's countenance radiated warmth, her lips parting into a gentle smile, a beacon of encouragement that ignited a fire within Sato's heart.