
She was in a state of shock.

It felt as if she only stood motionless in her place for a short moment, but it must've been longer than a short moment seeing that both Valentine and Andrew were by her side now.

Andrew let out a swear word when his eyes spotted all the blood on her ripped pants.


"Mr. CEO, sir, I-I asked for her permission to check the wound and take out any glass pieces if there was…any…but…she…" the workers who were responsible for the accident visibly shrunk under the gaze of the menacing giant that Valentine Hosek was right now.

"Did you touch her?" Valentine glared at the two, while Andrew bent down and very lightly tugged and pulled around the pants.


"Mr. Hosek, as far as I can see, there's nothing inside but it's too much blood and it might need some stitches, if we hurry it up, maybe she can avoid a scar, my car or your car?" Andrew's tone was composed but not without urgency.