Decisions made on the spot

The first thing Summer registered was, unfortunately, the sound of people arguing over her head.

"Don't you have somewhere to be or something to do?" Gabe snapped.

"Don't you think you're the one annoying her the most?" Andrew snapped back.

The air around her shifted, and a whiff of Valentine's perfume reached her nose, she breathed in a little deeper thinking that he somehow always managed to smell good, "…Summer… Are you awake?" His deep voice came close to her ear.

When she opened her eyes, she was greeted by the sight of his brown eyes very close to her face as he hovered over her, first there was bewilderment inside of them, but that quickly subsided and was replaced by relief, "Thank God," he breathed the words out softly only for her ears, and then he straightened up and took two steps away from her with his eyes on her brother.