A ride back home

Summer's dad was driving the family's Ford from the airport back to their home, his wife sat next to him, and they held each other's hand all the way, enjoying the fact that their three children are all in the backseat without really saying anything about it.

"You could've taken my car, she would've had more space to stretch her leg," Mike said flatly.

"YOU could've taken YOUR car! Isn't the best thing for her to have a doctor at her beck and call?" Gabe retorted.

"You're not a doctor yet," Vivian interjected.

Gabe's mouth fell open and he kept it open as he looked at Summer.

"Haha, thank you for staying next to me, my cute doctor," she cupped his face closing his mouth for him, and then kissed him on the cheek.

"He's the way he is because you spoil him too much you know?" Mike complained.