Talking to Mike

"Okay, okay, enough with the waterworks!" Vivian said as she wiped the tears away from her now puffy face, "You, young lady, are on bed rest until I say otherwise, and I'll be downstairs making your favorite meals meanwhile,"

Summer was about to say that they already had something to eat on the plane when Vivian narrowed her eyes at her, the good daughter gave her mother an appreciative smile instead.

"Much better," Vivian complimented, then she looked at Gabe, "You're coming with me," she threatened.

"Why!" Gabe already knew the answer. His mother was about to give him a long lecture about the state Summer was in, he looked at his big brother begging for any kind of support, but the latter shrugged, "Traitor," Gabe mouthed the word silently.

Vivian who had already walked out of Summer's room called out for her son, "WHILE I'M STILL YOUNG GABRIEL!"