That forgotten key

Gabe knew just how wired up his sister had been all this time, he was the one who saw her first after she learned about that prophecy, and he was the one who tried to fix her up with a man he trusted, then he was the one to watch as all these men started flocking her way and how she dealt with each and everyone of them until Valentine Hosek showed up and took over the show.

He looked down at her serene expression while she slept on his shoulder still.

They were back in Washington DC and two minutes separated them from her apartment house, he knew he had to wake her up but she looked so relaxed after all the tension she had gone through that he felt bad for it.


She showed no reaction at all, he decided that he'd carry her inside and only put her down if she woke up and asked him to.

"Here you go," Gabe extended money to the driver, "Keep the change, and thank you for the smooth ride,"