Getting to know him (part two)

"…Wow," Summer said as the Land Rover parked in front of the restaurant.

Valentine smiled, "Such a nice start to our date," satisfaction was all over his words. His ultimate mission was, concisely, to make Summer happy.

He had recently discovered that she had a thing for Italian food, and Italian food was in abundance all over Washington DC, but there was one place that really stood out from the rest. L'Ardente combined the heavenly Italian culinary experience in addition to adding providing upscale to fine dining. The ambiance was a cozy one highlighted by the glittering chandeliers and the wooden decorations overall. 

Watching her take in every part of the restaurant as they both walked inside, he made a secret vow to take her to visit the Mediterranean Sea.

He leaned down to whisper in her ear when she saw her eyes searching for something, "Our table is up,"