Getting to know him (part three)

As blue eyes and brown ones glimmered with the light that came from the chandeliers, a current running between them made the air above the table thicker than how it was a moment ago.

When she started to worry that she was breathing too fast under his intense gaze, she was the one to break eye contact first, "Speaking of family, what did you think of mine!" She blurted out the first thing she could think of remembering the last thing they were talking about.

He smiled wryly, "It's what they think of me that matters,"

Summer laughed at him, "Well, my mother likes you for sure," 

His eyes became a warm shade of brown hearing that as if they agreed with her, and she wondered how she ever thought of him as aloof and hard to decipher when he was the type that had eyes with the ability to say so much.