Getting to know him (part four)

Just like a perfect gentleman, Valentine held the door for Summer as she went inside his car. She watched as he closed her door then took a few steps then opened the door to the driver's seat and sat down. She couldn't help but compare his overall posture now with the one that he had on while riding her Mini, and how this car fits him way better than hers. 'To each his own I guess,' 

He started the engine without saying anything to her, it was his usual smooth driving style, but she couldn't help but notice that he was going a bit slower this evening as if he was not in such a hurry to go back home just yet. She looked at him with a strange sense of tranquility surrounding her and watched as the streetlights brushed over both of them as he made his way with ease through the cars.

She was right about it. The man was in no hurry to part ways with her.