“Where is Summer,”

Summer never returned to her desk.

"Where is she?" Carol asked Tim.

Tim shrugged, "I was working on the financial forecast since the moment we came back from lunch, I really didn't notice,"

She clicked her tongue, "Honestly, not keeping an eye on your line manager…"

Tim narrowed his eyes at that thinking that Carol was being unreasonable throwing blame around, but he bit his tongue and swallowed back the words seeing how she had called her so many times and never received an answer, "…She's a fully grown woman,"

"She's an exemplary Team Leader who'd never take an hour to come back to her desk after lunch break!" Carol stomped an angry foot on the ground angrily.

Tim raised both of his hands up, surrendering, "T-Take it easy…" He thought about something that didn't cross his mind before, "How about we try the lounge? She might just be there a-all along," he slightly stammered under Carol's criticizing gaze.